View Full Version : Paying respect with lifetime licenses

06-03-2010, 09:27 AM
"Folks who live in California might remember that there was a terrible helicopter crash here in January in which three Department of Fish and Game biologists and the pilot died while on a routine aerial deer survey. At the time, a memorial fund was set up for their families...Two of the biologists, Clu Cotter and Kevin O'Connor, had children, and apparently a number of outdoors organizations had come together to purchase lifetime hunting licenses for those kids." Please click through to Norcal Cazadora, a hunting and angling blog written by one of my faculty at Sac State for more about these efforts. She makes a great case for a little charity...

http://norcalcazadora.blogspot.com/2010/06/paying-respects-with-lifetime-licenses.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NorcalCazadora+(NorCal+Cazado ra)

Please read the rest of the story and consider a donation to honor these folks and their families. I hope that the area fly clubs might consider adopting this cause. For all the joy that angling provides, this seems like an important moment to give back.

Nick Burnett