View Full Version : Mather today

01-30-2010, 08:39 PM
Well, being such a nice day, and I did pull the trigger to get an annual parks pass, I had to do some sort of fishing today...

Been a few weeks since they planted so I didn't go in expecting much, and only planned to fish a bit so I fished Mather from shore.

Sure enough there didn't seem to be many rubber trout left and the cormorants seemed to be catching nothing but small fry. Nobody else fishing there when I got there either.

At any rate, I fished to the far end and back, and noticed a head popping up every so often in the shallows at the outlet. Chucked olive buggers on I-line - nada. Burnt-O-buggers? Nope. Pop, slurp, wake... This is in less than a foot of water a rod's length from shore. Pheasant tail? BZZ! Midge dry? EHC? Wrong. FINALLY got him to take using a greased leader and a #20 midge emerger. Probably spent more than an hour casting at this guy and didn't want to go home skunky as long as he kept slurping!


Guess that even rubber trout get picky after a while in new water. This guy knew what he liked and kept at it ignoring everything else!


01-31-2010, 12:05 AM
Way to persevere.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-31-2010, 09:01 AM
I guess there are tons of low elevation bass ponds in California that get planted in the winter with trout.

Beside Mather Pond I know we have Rancho Seco.

What other low elevation bass ponds do we have around Sacramento with planted trout in the winter?

01-31-2010, 06:10 PM
I was out there with my new float tube this morning for not even a bump. Fished from about 7am -9:15. Saw a few jump around me but no takers. It was nice to give my tube a try though. 20 bucks on craigslist for the tube and fins. Could not pass that up. I too need to pull the trigger and get the park pass. Anybody want to hook up one weekend morning to show me the ropes. I was using intermediate line an a wiggletail, for nothing. I was counting it down, and know I was down because I would often pull up some weeds.
Thanks in advance,

01-31-2010, 06:39 PM
Hey Charles,

Congrats on the tube purchase. What model did you get? There's no better way to fish period if you ask me. I'm the odd stillwater-wired flyfishing nut.

I'll hit you up the next time they plant the local rubber ponds to see if you can make it out.

Too bad about no fish though. All I can say is they weren't at all interested in any buggery type flies. Had to go finesse which I'm not at ALL accustomed to doing. Still working on my skills in that department...


01-31-2010, 08:22 PM
It is a Stillwater A-shaped tube. Couldn't find exact model. My only complaint is I can't figure out how to bring an extra rod. It is very confortable though. I felt as if I could sit out and fish all day confortably. I know I can't complain about anything for the price. I couldn't buy the fins for $20. Hope to hook up soon.

01-31-2010, 08:53 PM
It is a Stillwater A-shaped tube. Couldn't find exact model. My only complaint is I can't figure out how to bring an extra rod. It is very confortable though. I felt as if I could sit out and fish all day confortably. I know I can't complain about anything for the price. I couldn't buy the fins for $20. Hope to hook up soon.

Extra rod you say? ;^)


01-31-2010, 08:58 PM
Extra rod you say? ;^)



Reno Flytyer
02-02-2010, 01:04 PM
"extra rod" you say? Have a seat.

Scott V
02-02-2010, 02:05 PM
Hey Charles, I know where you can put that extra rod and possibly a net too. It might hurt a little but it can be accomplished.:D

02-02-2010, 03:49 PM
Never mind!!! I Guess one RIG will do.

02-02-2010, 06:17 PM
Never mind!!! I Guess one RIG will do.

Never! Does your tube have D-rings along the sides? If you're serious about a rod rack, hit me up.


02-02-2010, 08:44 PM
You guys remind me of my students. They wouln't have let me get away with that wording either. All in good fun. I can
take it like a man (here we go again) ; > ). Shig.-PM sent.

02-02-2010, 10:30 PM
Charles, can't speak for the others, but I actually wasn't thinking in those terms at all. . . .

SHigSpeed posted descriptions and photos of an awesome tube rod rack he designed and built not all that long ago. So when you mentioned wanting to figure out how to bring an extra rod, it was funny to see him perk up the way he did. :lol:

All kidding aside, his setup is awesome and you should definitely check it out. :cool:

Reno Flytyer
02-03-2010, 01:02 PM
That was my motive as well Charles. Shig's put in some time to develop a neat system for carrying an arsenal of rods. You'll like communicating with him.