View Full Version : False Albacore off Harkers Island, NC

Bill Kiene semi-retired
11-18-2009, 09:25 AM

They call them False Albacore, Little Tuny or Atlantic Bonito on the east coast of the US.

In the fall they are along the barrier islands in North Carolina following the big southern bait drift.

I was invited to go a few years back by the Sage Rod Company to go on what is called the Outdoor Writers Week. Everyone was there........I met some really great people there.

Albies run 10 to 20 pounds plus and they mostly use 9 weight rods with floating lines and smaller streamers.

Big schools push bait up to the surface are rip them up. It is a wonderful fisheries but does vary year to year some.

11-18-2009, 12:19 PM
I met Vince Staley in October. He's from Virginia and a devotee of saltwater fly fishing. He came all the way out to La Paz for Jay's Baja trip. He's supposed to be at Harker's right now. :nod: Nice to have a current info source back there. ;) I'm seriously thinking about a DIY trip back there next fall. Stripers, Albies, Bluefish and ..... :D :D