View Full Version : Spey School

Kurt P
11-09-2009, 11:09 PM
I was lucky enough to get in on Ryan Miller and Adrian Psuty's riverside workshop covering all things spey last Sunday. Prior to the class, I'd only held a two handed rod once before and was befuddled by all the different rod length/line weight/line style combos.

Ryan and Adrian put together a great program that was basic enough for a neophyte like myself, but also addressed the more advanced questions the more experienced attendees had.

While I gained a firm knowledge base about gear/setup options, learned several of the basic casts and when to use them, how to analyze and swing through a run, the other students had the opportunity to brush up on their skills and learn some new specialty casts and steelhead strategies.

Most importantly, we all had fun and got to spend plenty of time casting. As I am still shopping around for my first spey setup, I really appreciated the chance to try several different rods, with varying line set ups. (Anyone looking to sell a Beulah 12'6" 6weight?)

As of a few days ago there were still a couple of openings for the class on 11/22. I strongly recommend it for anyone interested in spey casting.

Here's the link: http://ryanhmiller.blogspot.com/
