View Full Version : Imagine That!

Jay Murakoshi
11-05-2009, 09:28 PM
This morning we decided to head up to Millerton Lake to shoot some footage for the next Bass DVD. Now, I've been filming there for the past couple years but today was different.
We had just wrapped up filming about the rod and getting ready to film short segments regarding the different types of fly lines, when two - not one but two rangers pull into the parking lot and started walking towards us.
They asked up what we were doing and we told them that we are filming for a Bass Fishing DVD and then one asked us if we had a state permit to film in a state park.
WHAT ? A permit, I've never heard of such an assnine law. He told us we needed to stop video taping and had to apply for the permit before we can proceed.

I went up to the office and had a meeting with the Lt. of the park. He said that there are laws which require a permit for commericial filming in any state park. I asked him how long has this law been on the books. He didn't know. So he tried to down load a PDF file and print out the permit but the computers weren't working or so he says. Don't get me wrong the guy was a young buck and a pleasure to talk to. I know he has rules and regs to go by but come on a permit to film. I wonder if the producer who made a story on the San Joaquin river got a permit for flying above Millerton and video taping.

Anyway, the day turned out OK we shot some footage. But also found a new use for the GoPro Hero Cam. We talk about the use of large stripping guides on rods and figured that
we would try to shoot some different video footage of line running through the guides.
We rigged up my camera with my underwater setup to the cork grip of the rod. Mounted on the front section with the camera facing down,looking at the guides. What we captured was pretty neat. Then we turned the mounting bracket upside down and shot from the bottom of the cork grip. A better view of what the line does.
I hope to cut the clips in short segments, do a little editing and will put a short run on this site

See you next Saturday


Ming M
11-05-2009, 10:33 PM
Man Jay, that is quite interesting. I had now clue that you need a permit for that....Thanks for the heads up......Hope to see you clips soon...Ming

Tony P
11-06-2009, 07:59 AM
You two probably looked like a couple of terrorists out there :-$.

Scott V
11-06-2009, 08:51 AM
Any time you are making money using the goverments resources you need a permit. Even if you are making pocket change, you will need a permit. Lucky it was only park ranger, if they wanted to you could have had your equipment taken.

Stop breaking the law Jay, you trouble maker.:D

Bob Laskodi
11-06-2009, 09:16 AM
Scott is correct. ANY commercial use of public lands requires a permit. For ANY activities, no matter what. That includes both Fed & State lands, and many county & city lands as well. Scott is also correct in that the Ranger can legally confiscate your equipment. Although truthfully, I doubt that would ever happen unless you're being a pud. Former Park Ranger Bob!!!