View Full Version : A little humid and breezy outside .

David Lee
10-13-2009, 06:06 PM
Did everyone make it thru OK ??

We lost a few tiny limbs , and had to tarp the (un-stucco'd) add-on in the middle of the blow . Saw some hairy stuff on T.V. ......

Hope y'all rode it out w/ minimal damage !


Scott V
10-13-2009, 06:26 PM
So far 5 good size trees have fallen next to my office, 3 within 20 yards. Only lost power once, and once I make it home I can check things out there.

10-13-2009, 09:58 PM
Not so good over here. My deck collapsed! It's all good though, we needed to build a new one anyway. The idiot who built it used non pressure treated lumber. Where do I live? As a matter of fact, in the Russian River riparian corridor where it rains like a cow peeing on a flat rock every winter!

Jay Murakoshi
10-13-2009, 10:19 PM
Rain, who got rain. Add wind and a power outage and what do you get - backyard flooding.
I have runoff from the roof, the only section of the roof where there is no rain gutter. So out comes the submersible pump and get everything set up and then the power goes out.
Now the water is starting to creep up to the top of the patio. Come on PG&E when the hell the power coming back on. On goes the Simms waders and two 5 gallon buckets hand bailing some of the water. ( I shouldn't have to be doing this right before I go to Mexico)
Got the water level down and the power comes back on and now it's lowering little by little.
But I just noticed the pool level is up to the top of the last tile. So now it's time to pump the pool level down.
The good thing is is that it's still raining. Let it rain we need the water.

Back to work, see you in the morning


Ed Wahl
10-14-2009, 05:05 AM
I've got a huge limb off of the Eucalyptus tree in the back yard to cut up. It was long and jutted out horizontally from the trunk,I'd been expecting it to go anyway.

Otherwise just clean up work.


10-14-2009, 09:50 AM
This storm hastened the demise of my garage. Gotta get all of the stuff in there, out. For a while, yesterday, the rain came down heavy enough to make the cover on my boat sag. Created a swimming pool inside the hull. Had to bail/siphon off the water.... Almost couldn't keep up with it.

Living in mid-town was quite treat. Trees an power lines down everywhere. The streets all look like a jungle on top of the pavement. My elderly neighbor wasn't able to rake out her gutters. So I did hers/mine just as the water level was beginning to rise above the curb line. Kinda like wading in a river.... :nod: :nod: Must've changed clothes twice. All dry today, tho. I'll sure be glad to get down to La Paz for a week of warmth.... :nod: :nod: