View Full Version : Question on the Hardy Perfects....

07-16-2009, 12:51 PM
My Father has a few and is slowly sending them my way. I just got his 3 5/8's. I remember Mike McCune was fishing with a perfect on his Z axis this spring. Is the 3 5/8's big enough to set up with a Skagit head for a small two handed rig?

07-16-2009, 03:06 PM

Mike uses a 3 7/8 perfect. It has just enough capacity for backing, running line, and a shooting head. The 3 5/8 is probably a little too small but it might work on a trout spey or light switch rod where you might not use much if any backing.

Jason Hartwick

07-18-2009, 07:12 AM
I was hoping, but could have guessed at the answer. It may be perfect for a really small trout spey or a switch rod.

Thanks for the input!

07-18-2009, 07:40 AM
if you had to, you could alwasys take a few feet off your running line

07-18-2009, 08:47 AM
I'll figure out a way to press it into service... I think it has a DT 8 with about 200 yards of 20 lbs dacron. A reel with that type of capacity won't sit for long. I've got an MK2 St John as well... all with extra spools. Now I just need some rods to go along with and I'll have a stable!
