View Full Version : Lots of Yellowfin and a Possible Record

Tony Buzolich
07-09-2009, 03:29 PM
Hi Jay and All,

Yes, everything went very smooth and I´ll be sure and say hi to the guys. A little wind yesterday but that didn´t stop the group. The yellowfin are going gangbusters to the point that some of the guys had to quite fishing because of sore arms. No kidding. They´re mixed right in where the skippy´s usually hang out but now it´s more yellowfin than skipjack or bonito.

There´s a group of firemen here from Sacramento that were going to ocho`ocho butchanged there mind and pounded the yellowfin in the channel. Ramon said that there had´nt been too many big dorado out far. We found them today in Bahia de mortos.

Only one broken rod so far, mine a 13 weight getting a yellowfin into the boat.

One of our guys, Pat Richards, got a real suprise today while fishing deep for yellowfin, he hooked and landed a Milkfish on a small Clouser. Efrin said this is the first milkfish he´s ever seen landed on a fly rod here. Pat was fishing with Efrin´s dad Jose and the milkfish went well over 20 pounds but was not actually weighed. I´ll have pictures shortly.This has to be some sort of a record if notworldwide at least in Mexican waters.

We´ve been seeing Milkfish every day but theyçre always surface skimmerslike carp and all of the pangeros say they can´t( or won´t) take a fly. Guess Pat can prove them wrong for now.

All of the guys are getting roosters of all sizes. Yesterday Don Payne had a 4or 5lb rooster at the boat waiting to be released when a MONTER rooster came up out of nowhere and ate his catch at the boat. All poor Don could do is stand there and choke at what he just saw happen to his fish.

Lots more sharks around this time of year. Every day back at the beach the pangeros are cleaning and finning them for market. Today there were 12 on the beach with a mix of mako and hammerhead. One hammerhead was over 3ft.from eye to eye.

We´´re getting lots of wahoo bite off´s too. Lines and leaders getting cut in split seconds. Tomarrow Bill Siler and I are going to target the wahoo early morning with wire and see what happens before we hit the yellowfin again. Lots of small dorado around too but there are a few big one´s too. Don Voight (80 yrs old) took a 30 lb. plus dorado that just about did him in.

I think we all need a shot or two of Geritol before heading out again tomarrow. The heat and humidity is incredible with everyday over a hundred . The only cool place is out on the water at first light. Thank God for an air conditioned van ride back each day.

Lots of pictures and stories coming when I get back next week.


Jay Murakoshi
07-09-2009, 06:01 PM

Yeah, milkfish!!!!! We're - Darian Calhoun and I are tying up some milk fish flies... They are algee and vegetarian eaters.. soooooo green looking small flies. I caught a milk fish in Australia a few years back on a clouser. It scaled at 19lbs. I know, we see the Chilicono's every day in big schools. I hope they will be around in October. That's going to be my number 1 target and then the 100lb rooster.

Seems like there's been a lot of dorado just outside Muertos Bay this year. I hooked up on a number of fish at the inside buoys.

I can't wait to get back there in October and slam some of those Yellow Fins, there suppsose to be bigger, like 45 to 60 lb fish.

This should get everyone excited about fishing next year. I already have 35 people who have deposited and more on the list.

Tell the captains I said "HOLA"

Bring on the photos'
