View Full Version : Stripers are in Valley rivers now

Bill Kiene semi-retired
06-11-2009, 07:39 AM
After the spring spawning run up on the Sacramento River near Colusa the Stripers go in many directions.

Some live all summer in the Lower Sacramento River.

Some live all summer in the Lower American River.

Some are probably in several other Valley rivers too like the Feather, Yuba, Stan......?

Many go down to the bay and ocean to feed too.

Maury Hatch sent me this recent photo of a fish caught in a Valley river.

People fly fish Striper all year round.

06-11-2009, 10:12 AM
LOVE those stripes! :D

Sorry guys, trout just don't do it for me! :unibrow:

06-13-2009, 08:43 AM
....my asian relatives eat stripers like mad!!! Luckily for you they dont understand a word I say or Id point them to where I keep seeing the bastards....

Dustin Revel
06-28-2009, 08:35 PM
....my asian relatives eat stripers like mad!!! Luckily for you they dont understand a word I say or Id point them to where I keep seeing the bastards....

haaaaaaaaaaa... i'm going on tuesday... hoping to limit out

Charlie Gonzales
06-29-2009, 01:28 PM
Stripers are in as much danger as every other species so please limit your kill, dont kill your limits.

06-29-2009, 03:36 PM
I know every little bit matters...... but, even if EA or Charlie or any other guide that carries one or two anglers keep a limit every trip for a month, it pales in comparison to what the 'live bait' bay fleet gaffs in a single day in July, let alone the month of July.

It doesns't seem fair or right that the little 'guys' who write letters, attend scoping meetings, and raise their collective voices at the steps of the Capitol, do so, so that a few long time 'takers' and fair-weather opportunists sprinkle bait and gaff away at will.

Worse, now that there is no salmon season.

Only in California..........

IMO, the angling practices of certain SF Bay Live Bait boat operators are outdated (uncivilized) with regards to striped bass fishing. It's nothing more than 'meat fishing' (freezer filling) and marketing for future trips in an era when the resource is collapsing. Again, only in California........