View Full Version : Davis Lake Ecosystem with Low Lake Level

04-28-2009, 09:42 PM
Much has been discussed about the actual fish in Davis Lake, i.g.; spawning, fingerlings, trophy plants, etc. But, what about 'bug life'? Also, the lake level is low, much lower than the year after the first attempt to rid the lake of pike. With much of the prime insect loving/great feeding areas high and dry, is there enough habitat to sustain the planned trout population of the lake?

The reason I ask is that I'm wondering if quite a fish died off during the winter and what is left are recent planters, etc.

Just trying to create a little discussion, that's all.

04-29-2009, 07:15 AM
This is a very good question.While the lake has been as low as I have ever seen it,it has been coming up with the recent runoff.With that said,last year the damsel fly hatch was much better than expected.It seems as if all the major hatches were in good shape.Davis has plenty of weedbeds for all the aquatic bug life to survive in even in low water years.

The fish that I have been catching are hold overs from last years massive plants.I don't think there was a die off this winter.


04-29-2009, 09:06 AM
I would like to add that I am not disappointed in the low water levels because that was to be expected since the best plan to rid the lake of pike was to reduce the size of the water pool. Also, early scoping meetings revealed that it would take more than a couple of 'wet' years to bring the lake back up to full capacity.

DFG replanted the lake like crazy immediately after the 1997 treatment, however, the lake had substantially more water to provide more aquatic insect life (food). I am wondering if more care is being taken in the re-planting regimen since the food source could be 50% less than it was in 1998.

My question is due to the fact that early reports I've received from first hand visitors to the lake this spring have indicated the fish are particularly thin and mostly recently planted fish were caught. Although, I do know that recent planters do over run areas to where you have to move elsewhere to find the 'hold overs'.


04-29-2009, 04:10 PM
Just returned from a windy adventure at Davis.I didn't fish but drove around the entire lake checking access.Access is wide open and the water levels have come up a lot in the past week.

As far as recent planters are concerned,those fin less wonders started showing up late last fall.Most of the fish to that point had all their fins and were in fine shape.As far as planting regimes coinciding with low water levels DFG dumped over a million fish into the lake last year while lake levels were low.I don't think they had fish food source availability in mind.Remember Davis is a put and take lake with relatively no natural spawn.

With that said the available food base for the fish is tremendous and in my opinion has not been hurt by the treatment.I saw more crawdads today along the shore than I can ever remember seeing.Last summer all the usual hatches took place and were very good.There is plenty of bug life in Davis.

I think Davis is on it's way back to the glory days of old.I am very excited about the future possibilities of this awesome fishery!

See you on the water!


Rick J
04-30-2009, 07:34 AM
It seemed that the blood midge population was down quite a bit last year - did you get much action on them? Sure great hatches of other good sized midges and good damsel populations but I am worried about the blood midges - probably my favorite thing on the lake!!

Rick J
04-30-2009, 07:36 AM
PS - I am heading up this weekend to fish with Don - not sure what the predicted rain showers will do but will post next week

04-30-2009, 10:07 AM
I do believe that once the lake is full again and achieves a regular cycle of water that the fishery will be outstanding again. So much of the lake's area that produced prolific hatches are high and dry now...... just need to add water and let it reconstitute over a year or two.

05-01-2009, 05:56 PM
I had ton of success on blood midges last year well into the fall.I even had success fishing blood midge adults in the early am.Good luck this weekend!


Rick J
05-04-2009, 06:59 AM
not the weekend to fish Davis - Sat started with light snow and sleet and rain with a cold wind - we got out around 10 and and hung on until around 2:30. Scoped a number of fish but very few big ones. Did not do alot of fishing but explored looking for fish. No hookups but one grab on a floating line and midge pattern.

Sunday was raining harder so we tied Lee Haskin patterns getting ready for our July trip to Mexico - seemed a more productive way to spend the day!!!

Jay - you said you did well on bloods but did you see large hatches of them in the evenings. I used a blood quite a bit and caught fish on it but really did not see the large hatches either in the AM or in the evening. A few times we got into them but was pretty sporadic.

05-04-2009, 05:57 PM
Rick I'd have to agree with you I never did run into a significant blood midge hatch last year and I fished the lake quite a bit. I did run into some "honest anglers" who had said they'd run into it and done fairly well...shoulda been here yesterday...

But I can't complain as I had some outstanding fishing on Davis this past year and it's only going to get better if all things stay on course.


05-05-2009, 06:41 AM
I was usually off the water in the early afternoon so I never saw the blood midges in the evening.I saw some in the early am,but my days on Davis were limited last summer as I was living in Grants Pass.I fished the lake alot in the fall after I moved back to the area and honestly don't remember what the hatches were like at that time.
