View Full Version : pinhole problem for a pinhead

Kurt P
02-09-2009, 06:57 PM
My breathable waders have a pinhole leak in them somewhere, and I can't find it. It's kind of just a minor annoyance to have a damp pant leg and sock at the end of the day so I don't want to shell out for a whole new pair, but I can't find the little leak to patch it. I've tried wading in my pond until I can just feel the water get in and then match the wet spot on my pants to the general area on the waders (near lateral seam just below knee level), but I still can't find the exact spot. Does anyone know a trick at pinpointing the pinhole, or if not, a reasonable way to seal the general area. I was considering duct taping the inside, but not sure if that would work, or for how long.
Thanks in advance,

02-09-2009, 07:03 PM

Go to the drugstore and buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol. You can either get a spray bottle if you dont have one or apply the alcohol to the waders with your hand. The alcohol will bring the hole out in the form of a dark gray spot. This is the best and most effective way of seeing pin holes.

Once you see the gray spot, mark it with a marker or pencil and once the alcohol drys place some aqua seal on it. This will fix it quickly. Let it dry for at least 6 hours.

Here is also a link on how to do it.


Jeff Morrison
02-09-2009, 07:23 PM
tie off the area that you think has the leak, submerge it in the bathtub. Look for a stream of bubbles coming from the pinhole. Voila!

Ed Wahl
02-09-2009, 07:53 PM
Kurt, this is an old problem that can be solved with an old solution.

Here's what you do.

Put the waders on your head with your head up in the general area of the leak.

Now, find your way to a dark closet, it's best to be kind of close to start with.

Using a flashlight, which you'll just have to feel around for, (what with waders on your head and all), now shine the light all around your head until you see the little pinpoint of light, right in your eye.

Mark the spot without taking your eye off the pinpoint of light,it's very easy to lose it. Now just jab at it with a marker or sharp pencil so you can find it later.

Hope that solves the problem.

You're welcome,


02-09-2009, 08:23 PM
I second the rubbing alcohol recommendation. If that does not work another cool trick I recently learned is to take a large paint brush and paint liquid blowing bubbles onto your waders then hook a vacuum hose with exhaust up to your waders while cinching them down around the tube. Bubbles will form around your pinhole leaks.

02-09-2009, 08:30 PM

It is best not to use Ed Wahl's method unless you have a good health insurance plan. Trust me I know....

Kurt P
02-09-2009, 09:21 PM
Thanks, guys,
I decided to run a little experiment on your three techniques, see which worked best. Filled the tub, got out the bottle of rubbing alcohol and grabbed the flashlight and a sharp pencil. Ed’s technique made the most sense to me, so I squeezed my pinhead way up into the pant leg and stumbled around for the closet. My interior design student son was (still) in the closet, so I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing a beer on the way. Turned off the lights and quickly identified the pinhole with the flashlight. Heeding Ed’s advice I made a deft jab at the hole with the pencil, nailed my eye and fell head first into the tub. Although I couldn’t see it, I’m confident a nice stream of bubbles issued forth from the hole in my waders as I howled panicked obscenities into my wader leg. It was a bit of a flail, but I finally managed to get out of the tub, yank the pencil out of my eye (vitreous humour is surprisingly sticky) and get the waders off my head. I desperately needed a drink of beer, but in the dark, grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol instead.
Anyone interested in buying a pair of gently used, slightly bloody waders? I’m off to the ER to get my stomach pumped, get fitted for a glass eye and a dialysis shunt put in my arm. Kidney failure’s probably going to keep me off the water for a while.
Thanks again, guys (Ed, Jeff and Easymends--sorry MarcP, didn't see your post until after I wrote this and I can hear the ambulance siren coming for me so I can't rework the story, although a vacuum exhaust hose screams for it).

Frank Alessio
02-09-2009, 09:28 PM
My God that is a great story. Sorry about your eye and stomach but at least you are out of the closet.......

02-09-2009, 09:33 PM
it's a good thing you didn't just turn your waders inside out and fill em with water to find the leak...you woulda drowned for sure...

Kurt P
02-09-2009, 09:40 PM
No no, Frank. That was my fictitious son that was in the closet. Not me...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Seriously, though. Thanks, guys. Most of those tricks sound like they'll work. I'm sure I'll be wading dry next time I fish.

02-10-2009, 08:55 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Charlie Gonzales
02-10-2009, 04:44 PM
Thats good stuff right there! Thanks guys I needed a good laugh. Remind me to never ask Ed for shooting tips.

02-10-2009, 05:21 PM
Remind me to never ask Ed for shooting tips.
:lol: :lol: :lol: