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View Full Version : Drift Boat color question

02-09-2009, 05:38 PM
question: Do fish get spooked by the COLOR of the bottom of a boat??? I have a YELLOW self bailing raft with fishing frame. I mainly use it on the trinity, lower sac. The bailing portion on the bottom is black. The pontoon portion is yellow. I am sure it is pilot but i thought would post the questioned to the board.

Dave Neal
02-10-2009, 11:28 AM
In most cases, when a fish is that close to your boat, it would probably spook from seeing casting motions, your oars moving, or just plain sense predators from above. Especially in off color water, I doubt the small amount of yellow on your raft will matter.

Show them your dead drifted or swung flies not your boat!

Tracy Chimenti
02-15-2009, 07:09 PM
I think that most of the problem comes with reflective colors. I cammo'ed a couple of my boats and everything i sprayed on there was flat green, browns, earth tones, as opposed to glossy. Movement is most critical, but I know of some dedicated fishemen who color the bottom and sides of their boat flat black or brown to reduce refection flashes that carry across the water or across the lake bottom.