View Full Version : Driftboatless Oarsman.

10-21-2008, 04:33 PM
New to the board so let me start with, "hello"
More to the point, I spend a lot of time fishing from my boat and aside from 1 or 2 of my idiot buddies no one cares to learn to row. This means I am a free guide most of the time. If you are out there and would like to spend a little time rowing and fishing someone else's boat let me know. I will be on the lower sac till it cools off then the Trinity or wherever the fish are.

10-21-2008, 05:02 PM
bearcrawl, hi and welcome aboard! :)

10-21-2008, 05:49 PM
Hello Bearcrawl, I would be very interested in that offer. I am in the market for a drift boat myself and would be extremely happy to row you down the river in exchange for some good tips and the experience. You can contact me at John4832814@yahoo.com. Thanks.

Chris Gearhart
10-21-2008, 07:33 PM
Welcome Bearcrawl, actually I have my own driftboat but only have one buddy that knows how to row. I am always looking for other guys who know how to row. My boat or yours I dont care. I fish the sac,feather yuba,american,and some of the smaller valley rivers. I just came from the sac last week. I fished it the same day they raised the flows, it was a little tough. I would like to learn the Trinity. Give me a call if you need someone.

Chris Gearhart 650 400-3738

10-22-2008, 10:56 AM
I am interested. I used to have a drift boat and spent more time at the oars than fishing. Would be glad to trade delta fishing and lake fishing in my boat for drift boat time. Obviously I would help row.

10-22-2008, 05:52 PM
I know how to row and I'd be happy to share the rowing. I usually fish during the week but I'd be willing to go some weekends. Shoot me a PM or call me at 925-858-1786
Ignacio Martin

10-22-2008, 08:09 PM
There seems to be a great response. I too am intrested. We should all hook up on the lower Sac one day and do some fishing. The egg bite is going good right now. I'm down for Saat. 11/1/08. Will split time rowing/fishing. Others chime in with a response and maybe we can get the ball rolling.

10-25-2008, 09:53 AM
Had 2 buddies back out of this weekends drift. I still want to get on the water. if anyone is up for a Sunday Lower Sac float let me know.
email me any time today. Please no beginners.

Randy B
10-27-2008, 09:14 PM
Did you find any takers? If so, how'd you do and how was the float with the bridge construction?

10-28-2008, 07:28 AM
No takers, drifted by myself. Had a nice day, the fishing is still great. Stopped at most the holes I thought would be productive, and for the most part they where. River was above 7000 cfs so Posse to Bonny or Anderson was not an option. Drifted Bonny to Anderson and stopped a lot to stretch it out to almost a full day. Bunch of fish only 2 of notable size.

Randy B
10-28-2008, 10:48 AM
Too bad, I would've liked to have hit the Lower Sac. I've fished above Anderson many times, but never below Anderson so it would've been educational. I'd be up for a Lower Sac trip on Sunday, or Sat thru Tuesday next week.

Let me know. Email is randal.brown@sbcglobal.net

10-29-2008, 06:41 PM
Going to the Trinity in November, 7th-15th or so. Have 2 Skykomish 'toons, Drift boat experience years ago in Oregon, SW Washington & Alaska. Willing to share boats/ info.
Don't know the T as an oarsman, bank fished last year due to unavailability of a partner for shuttle. The bank fishing was so good I caught all I could handle in a 200 yd. stretch and didn't need to hassle with trying to arrange a shuttle. This year I WILL drift it and am laying it out now. Concern is the late run or lack of fish, I was planning on the Lewiston-D City area, might have to drop down, we'll see what that projected rains bring this coming week.
PM or respond if interested & we can meet somewhere,

10-29-2008, 09:05 PM
Since you already found several buddies to work the sticks, wanted to tell you good looking dog!

Randy B
11-13-2008, 08:59 AM
Fished Bonnyview to Anderson Park on Tuesday. River was low, and they are dropping it even more - down to 4500 cfs, but was fishable. Didn't catch anything on eggs, but caught fish in the usual nymphing water.

As happens most times, spent more time rowing than fishing even though there were two other guys in the boat. Let me know if you want to fish the Lower Sac or Yuba (I have Gun Club access) sometime.