View Full Version : Soon the Kings!!!

08-27-2008, 07:45 AM
Fall and love are in the air which can mean only one thing: KKKKKKIIIIIINNNNGGGGSSSS!!! My left leg is twitching, that being the perfect barometer for an imminent invasion by sea of the mighty and meaty creatures. Early entrance polling numbers at he mouth of the Columbia were so good they had to shut the fishery down. The quota was met quicker than expected which reminds me of my first sexual experience. All signals are go, the stars are aligned, the berries are ripe, the elk are looking for "dates" and the fat lady is snacking just getting ready for the first act.
Ah the fall on the north Oregon coast. The time of the year when all is well with the world. The thoughts of suicide or being atop the Astoria Column plucking off the innocent are silenced by the perfect joy given to the lucky few who are able to witness the finest peice of Creation, America's fish, Chinook in tidewater. My faith is tested in the other seasons but in Fall I know there is a God and that he loves me.
Only days before those church bells start ringing and the congregation is called to order. Even sinners of trolling ilk, or hardware chuckers, and yes, bait monkeys are welcome to bask in the joy of a sight none of us wicked men deserve. Each Fall we are forgiven and then blessed.

So all you southern sinners sell the house, the wife and the kids, head north and donate to Pastor Galen's "Church of the Eternal Esturary". For a of a six pack of tall Busch, I will exorcise the demons that everyday life has wrought upon you. No longer will you be burdened by the sin of hard work and family values. You too can enjoy the fruits and innear peace of being a fish bum. There is hope for all to become one with the Chinook.

Don't delay for salvation is only two weeks away. Repent!!! Head north!!! And remember, God loves you.....deal with it.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-27-2008, 08:27 AM
What rivers will you be fishing?

Terry Thomas
08-27-2008, 10:29 AM
Don't get too excited before you finish those Boss flies. "Dat Boss fly, now dat's a good fly!"

08-28-2008, 07:20 AM
I'll be feeshin' the Necanicum. Zig will be down on the Nestucca. A river just isn't big enough for the both of us. I'll have my crab pot in the water and something hanging from the end of my line. I'm ready to fill the freezer/smoker/fridge/sock drawer. No more parole for the salmon. I will be the Charlie Manson of the tidewater. The river will run red with the blood of the invasive chinook. Squeky Fromm will be netting my fish. I say if they want a bloodbath, let it be now.

Still looking for the hooks for dat' Boss fly. A kink in the system. Might have it worked out in minutes.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-28-2008, 09:14 AM
Is September good or is better in October?

gene goss
08-29-2008, 07:00 AM
Having your 8ft. pram being pulled around a tide water river by a big KING is one of my better fly fishing experience. The clay banks on the Rogue River is where we started this early in the season, then we moved down to the Chetco, Smith, Eel.

gene goss
08-30-2008, 05:58 AM
Carl i have not fish the north coast for salmon in 15 years, but that first posting from OregonSalmon got the old mind thinking about how much fun i had fly fishing for those big kings in the hog line of prams on a tide water pool.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-30-2008, 06:05 AM
I fished the lower Eel River in the 1970s from an anchored pram.

Fresh King Salmon on a fly in the tidewater is pretty wild.

Carl B has been at it lately so he is more up to date than I am.

It is kind of like lake fishing with a current.

The Lower Rogue River is August/Sept.

On the lower Eel River people start looking for them Oct/Nov.

Carl has the timing down well, even considering the tides.

I just did it enough to appreciate it.

08-31-2008, 07:37 AM
That is great news Carl. The Columbia is having a better return than expected. Could be the ocean closure, could be that human science isn't perfect but who the hell cares....as long as the fish are coming in numbers. YYYYYYYEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAWWWWW!!!!

September is early for the north Oregon coastal rivers but they do start trickling in about now. The great thing about September is the weather: usually great. October becomes dicey. Saw winter start on October 13'th one year. It was a Roseanne year: real ugly. October is the real month though. Some years you can fish through November. There are some late runs on the smaller rivers. All depends on Maw Nature wether we will be allowed to fish. She can be very cruel but also incredibly kind.

09-06-2008, 01:12 PM
G, the credibility of your report is completely undermined by comparing it to your first sexual experience because I know you're still waiting for that to happen. :D

09-11-2008, 07:43 AM
Ouch that hurt RW....<sniff>....if it wasn't so trueeeeeeee!!!

Hey wait a minute....sheep count don't they?

09-11-2008, 09:24 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: