View Full Version : New CSPA website, calsport.org

03-29-2008, 10:19 AM
The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has a new web site. It's still in its infant stage but will grow.

Go to www.calsport.org

The CSPA is gearing up for the fight of its life, a suit by a group of water developers against DFG asking that the striped bass be removed from gamefish classification and added to the Invasive Species list with no protections and with a major effort to remove the fish from west coast waters.

They claim that the striped bass is the major cause of the decline of the delta smelt. CSPA has large amounts of respected research, much by CalDavis, showing that this is NOT the case. The same is true for Chinook salmon but the water vendors are grasping at any straw in an attempt to keep the water flowing to SoCal.

This battle is going to cost big bucks but should be the defining battle regarding the striper's right to exist. We really need to win this one!

If you can afford to and even if you can't, please print out the membership form , make a donation and mail it to the CSPA. Mike McKenzie is in charge of memberships and donations. He'll get your name listed on the donors page.

Remember, your donations, membership is tax deductible.