View Full Version : Mokelumne help.

02-21-2008, 01:50 PM
Heya guys. How's everyone doing. First post here, thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Ben and I fish. Last few weeks I’ve been fishing the Mokelumne just below Comanche damn with little to no success… bit more towards the no success. I’m fairly new to fly fishing(just picked it up about 2-3 months ago after learning to cast some 10 plus years ago). Are there any tips anyone might be able to give me. I’ve put in 6-8 trips in last few weeks with no avail. I’m thinking I might be throwing fly’s that are just too big(14-16 pt’s, a few egg patterns then smallest dry’s I've had on me (grif gnats)). For all I know I’m just not fishing the right areas or don’t know where I should be fishing. I’ve read books watched vids. etc. but it’s kind of like those 3’d pictures where you have to cross your eyes to see the image just not seeing it yet. Anyhow, if anyone has any thoughts on what fly’s I should be trying out there or areas I might want to concentrate on feel free to let me know.

02-21-2008, 03:32 PM
I would call Bob at Sierra Anglers. The number is (209)572-2212.

Bob Laskodi
02-21-2008, 03:52 PM
The M has been very slow lately. We fished it Sunday and between four anglers (two very skilled, two first timers) only 1 steelhead and two trout were hooked. An egg pattern with a small nymph fished under an indicator is the standard rig there so you're throwing the right flies. So don't feel bad about your lack of success! :D

Matt Frey
02-21-2008, 04:08 PM
Welcome aboard. I have never fished the M, but since you are relatively new to this sport I would concentrate on getting a dead drift. Much easier said than done. But once you are able to you will catch more fish.
Tight lines,

El Rey
02-21-2008, 06:26 PM
I fish the Moke occasionally. Since I find nymphing boring, I use mostly dries. But once in a while I'll drop a small brassie or Copper John 2' off the dry. The trick with dries is Small, Small, Small, i.e. #18 to #22. PMDs or that old standby, the parachute Adams, work well. If there is a foam line, drift your fly there.

If you're up there below the dam, wade across the shallow water and cast into the deeper slots--most of which are on the far side. Try to get a natural, drag-free drift. Be sure to avoid wading across the redds. There are signs warning not to wade because of the spawn, but if you're careful you're OK.

Mostly you'll encounter steelhead smolts--8" to 10". They're fun, but you'll occasionally hook a resident rainbow. You'll know the difference if you get one. I've never caught an adult steelhead there, though.

There are reported NZMSs there, so clean your waders and boots thoroughly before trying a different stream. Check with a Fly Shop for the best way to dissinfect your gear.

Enjoy. It's a fun little stream.

Tght Lines,
El Rey