View Full Version : Spawning Gravel

Bryan Morgan
12-17-2007, 06:03 PM
Has anyone heard when they are going to start hauling in gravel to the upper section of the American for Salmon and Steelhead for spawning habitat.? :D

12-20-2007, 09:07 PM
Right after the dam breaks... it should arrive promptly!


12-20-2007, 09:27 PM
They are already hauling the gravel in and dumping it at Sailors Bar. They won't start putting it in the river till summer(I think) and they will continue to do so for 5 seasons. They are also thinking of building a side channel at Sailors Bar that would be strictly for spawning fish.

Tony Buzolich
12-21-2007, 07:36 AM
Yesterday I was talking with Curt Aikins who is the general manager for the Yuba County Water District. Part of his job is to govern the flows coming out of Bullards Bar and Engelbright and ultimately down the Yuba and through the state's water system.

We were talking about gravel migration and how it moves during flood stages and throughout the year and eventually works it way downstream and lower in the system making rivers shallower as they get closer to the ocean (basically forming deltas).

The area above the Hwy.20 bridge at Parks Bar has also lost vast amounts of needed spawning gravel.

Curt was saying that replacing this lost gravel is not a simple task. Before the gravel can be dumped in to the river it has to be of a certain size and cleaned and washed. Not doing so would prevent the spawning fish from being able to dig their redds and also cause more siltation and armoring of the gravel floor. Armoring is where heavier or larger gravel becomes "cemented" to the river bottom by the silt. This prevents the fish from digging their nests.

As you guys walk and wade through much of the American I'm sure you're all aware of places with a hard bottom. This may be good for wading, but not good for the fish trying to dig.

Curt is a very interesting guy to talk with and does put on programs for various fly clubs and groups intersted in saving or helping river ecology.


Bryan Morgan
12-21-2007, 08:28 PM
Thanks Tony, I had also heard that they were piling up gravel around the Sunrise area, and I wonder what it will do for the Shad spawn, season after next. :D

Tony Buzolich
12-21-2007, 09:00 PM
Bryan, I can't say for sure but I think shad free spawn like stripers do and don't need or use gravel to spawn in.

Stripers spawn in groups when the water temps reach mid-sixties and the water needs to be moving well in order for their eggs to suspend at least 24 hours before laying on the bottom. I think shad are similar.


12-22-2007, 01:34 PM
Sturgeon spawn the same way.