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View Full Version : Different techniques from Fall to Winter Steelhead?

11-14-2007, 07:52 PM
Do you use a different technique for the upcoming winter steelhead season than you would for the fall run. This Fall I learned how to drift nymphs for steelhead and how to use a 2 fly setup. I did not actually catch anything YET but I have had my fair share of bites. My question is what type of technique would you use for the winter run?

If it was the end of December how would you be fishing for them and what would you be using? Rod-Line-Leader set-up-fly's ....
Thank you in advance for your input.

11-14-2007, 08:42 PM
I'm pretty sure you just stick to the nymphs 8)

The water will be cold enough so that swinging is nearly useless

11-14-2007, 10:18 PM
It all depends on how comfortable you are with your techniques and want to fish.

The water will be cold enough so that swinging is nearly useless

Swinging is plenty effective in cold water if thats how you wish to fish. If you go this rout try bunny strip leeches or marabou popsicle style flies with a lot of movement. The biggest factor when swinging in winter conditions is having confidence. The fly has to spend time in the water in order for it to work.

11-14-2007, 11:03 PM
I am aware that it works in all conditions, I talked to a guy who has fished the Trinity year-round for 30 years and has never tied on a nymph for steelhead, not ONCE! :shock:

Nymphing is more effective even in the summer and fall, and I think it is even more so in the winter. That's what I meant to say.... 8)