View Full Version : Public Access for Steelheading At Issue

11-09-2007, 12:44 PM
The Oregon Department of State Lands has issued a preliminary report finding the Rogue River navigable from river mile 68.5 to 157.5. This preliminary finding has been met with significant opposition from landowners and very little support from the public at large. This needs to change! If you support the public's right to access rivers such as the Rogue, please voice your opinion to the Oregon Department of State Lands at the following e-mail address:


Your message can be as simple as:
"I support the DSL's preliminary finding that the Rogue River from mile 68.5 to 157.5 meets the federal test for navigability."

Please send your message by Friday, November 9th..

For more information on this topic see:


To view the actual preliminary report see (the summary is on page 55):
