View Full Version : Tube Flies

A Matthews
11-05-2007, 08:25 AM
Where do steelhead learn to do cartwheels? It doesn't give conventional barbless fishermen much of a chance.

There is an interesting article about tube flies for steelhead on Flyfisherman.com. Going barbless with that technique seems to make so much sense. I bet it would help getting through those dicey moments when many big fish take me into my backing only to release themselves through some topwater gymnastics.

Anyone with some experience on this technique who can share? And, since I don't yet tie my own, where can I get some of these flies? Thanks.

Rick J
11-05-2007, 12:12 PM
I have not hooked a lot of fish using tubes but my unscientific impression is that my hooking to landing ratio is better using tubes over conventional large flies tied on standard hooks. This certainly makes sense as the small hook on a tube by itself should be more difficult for a fish to dislodge.

Here is a site that Bruce turned me on to for flies and materials:


Bruce Slightom
11-05-2007, 04:39 PM
I have been using tubes for winter fishing for the past few years, I love them. At first it was the novelty of the thing and them it just made sense.
I know that Bill has some tube stuff, not sure if he carries flies on not.
Rick posted the one site but here are some others.


A Matthews
11-06-2007, 09:18 PM
Thanks, guys. I'll have to get some. Those fish won't know what hit 'em! After all, landing fish is more fun than losing them.