View Full Version : My insanity explained

10-25-2007, 09:36 AM
From time to time my tenuous grasp on reality is questioned, not in the last five minutes since no human contact in that time period, but overall my poor behavior is challenged. Far more often than I'd like. After 46 years of off colored observations, I now see the root cause of my dementia. Ladies and gentlemen, a limerick from my sainted MOTHER!!!!

Galen Geller, a son of a bitch
Drank so much he could never get rich
He drank Seaside dry
Made everyone cry
So they flogged him to death in a ditch

Need I say more.

Feeshin' note: The weather has been perfect the last few days so hopefully some salmon will stack up in the estuary. Water clarity and temps on the Necanicum are ripe for the bite. The crab have beat it out to the ocean from the onslaught of fresh water and the women at the Bridgetender Tavern are pestering me for crab cakes. I have my fingers and toes crossed for both critters to return which unfortunatly makes it difficult to tie flies and walk. Might have to enlist a Buddhist monk for good luck instead of my plan.

-"Grab em' by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow"....sage advice from my father. -