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View Full Version : Lower Feather River Steelhead

Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-24-2007, 08:38 PM
Had a customer in who floated with guide Ryan Miller last week on the lower Feather River.

They did well and had lots of other grabs.

denny griffin
10-24-2007, 08:59 PM
I fished my two favorite locations on the high flow of the Feather, Buck Island and the junction of the high and low flow, on Monday. Nada!! Moved up to a couple of the runs on the upper stretch of the low flow in late afternoon and got one jack salmon. Total for the day; one jack and four suckers. Jim in Johnsons said the steelies in the low flow have been there a long time and been worked over hard. He said he had heard of fish in the high flow. I saw some salmon working redds(sp) in the high flow and swung some petis and caddis behind them with no success.
Tuesday I came down to the American and fished at Watt and a few runs above from 9:00 till 2:00 with no success. Not one other fisherman on the river. That should have told me something. Oh Well, it sure beat working.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-24-2007, 10:37 PM
Hi Denny

I'm sure if we could float the lower American, lower Feather or Lower Sac with Keith Kaneko we would get into fish.

Two good indicator jockeys with a good guide in a drift boat can change their chances greatly.

I think the Trinity and maybe the Klamath are the big deal now.

Tony Buzolich
10-25-2007, 07:12 AM
Hi Denny,

Sorry I missed you but glad to hear you came up. There ARE plenty of steelhead in the river. Actually, all three of the river are doing well with steelies now.

Several of the local guides here have been having incredible days bouncing roe while on the same boat other fishermen are drifting flies and glow-bugs.

A couple of the most popular guides up here are Aaron and Jim Zunoco, Raith Herryford, and Scot Frist. These guys can all put you on to fish.


denny griffin
10-26-2007, 07:57 AM
Hi Bill and Tony,
Nice to hear from both of you. Bill, I know if we were in a boat with Keith we would find fish. No question about that.
Tony, Hope you knocked those stripers hard again on Tuesday. I was thinking about you the whole time I was on the Feather. Hope to fish with you soon.
Am trying to work up the gumption to head to the Trinity next week by myself. Long range weather forcast looks good. That river is wonderful, fish or no fish.