View Full Version : Striper Piper Fish Report for Sat, 10-20-07...

10-22-2007, 04:32 PM
Here are some pictures that we got Saturday...



We had a great day :D ; We launched at B&W's around 7am and were originally heading to Santa Clara sholes; but when we turned the corner on the San Joaquin, the wind was 15-20 mph head-on, and we were going to get drowned :shock: !

So, we went to plan B, and at the first stop we hooked up on fish 8) !!!! The wind blew hard all day but the fishing just kept getting better. We fished till almost dark and enjoyed a great fall sunset on the ride back to the dock.

Caught 8 stripes 5-8 lbs, 4 LMB 1-2.5 lbs, several 16-22"ers, and just a couple of dinks. We had a very good hamburger at Korths Pirate Lair when we picked up some gas. We fished a lot of water, following the tides, and it was well worth it... :D

*Submitted on behalf of Paul Egan

Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-22-2007, 07:38 PM
Thanks Robin

I guess it just gets better as November nears.

10-23-2007, 06:38 AM
Paul and crew did better than many on Saturday and Sunday was the absolute pits! It all came around on Monday though. The fishing should be red hot most of this week.

10-27-2007, 03:57 PM
I love hearing about catching stripers on the fly. I have been striper fishing the delta for just a few years now and fly fishing for them is brand new to me (so is fly fishing though). I went out to bait fish for them a few days ago and my buddy took along his fly rod and caught a nice little striper and a few bass. I got jealous, I think I'm going to give them a try next week sometime. I picked up 6 different color clouser's and I have an 8wt fly rod that I'm ready to try. Anyway glad you all caught fish .......Always excellent fun... :)