View Full Version : The Klamath trip with Rick J

Adam Grace
09-04-2007, 12:14 PM
Rick Jorgensen and I fished the Klamath river with our Spey rods and had a nice trip although the fishing was pretty slow. We fished from 10am on Saturday until 11:30 Monday morning. There were a bunch of people on the river this weekend due to the holiday, many people were camping out on the sand bars.


The boat traffic was pretty heavy on Sat and Sun, a little slower on Mon. There were a bunch of salmon guys with a fair amount of wading fisherman most likely fishing Steelhead. We didn't see too many fly fishers out there though.

The weather was cold in the morning and hot during the midday, the evening cooled down but got nowhere near as cold as the morning. I suggest gloves and thick jackets for the morning especially if you are riding in a jet boat. I wished that I would have brought my windproof beanie for the ride and for the early breezes that numbed my ears a little.

Here's a photo from the morning:


On Sunday morning Rick hooked up with a hot adult and landed it. Since he was fishing on the other side of the river I do not have a great pictures of it but here's a blurry picture of that nice 7lb steelie:


I never caught an adult but I did get a chance at one. I got two nice water displacing head shakes from a nice adult Sunday night. That night I landed about 4 half pounders (HP) out of one nick little bucket, that was fun. Rick has those pictures because I forgot my camera back at the lodge.

Here's a picture of a small HP I caught during that day


The Klamath River and the surrounding area is beautiful, here's a few pictures of the landscape.



We used Rick's jet boat to travel up and down the river, here's his boat...a little boat porn for you guys loves boats like Bill :lol:


Here's a picture of Rick driving his boat:


Rick and I met up with Bruce Slightom, a professional Klamath River guide friend of Rick's and now mine for some evening fishing on Sunday. Thanks again for taking us out in your boat Bruce I had fun, Bruce also has a nice boat, perfect for guiding, very comfortable. I would have pictures of Bruce and his boat but I didn't have my camera.

The Spey casting for me was very frustrating for the majority of the trip. I had practiced a little before the trip but I guess not enough. The wind made casting difficult for me but Rick's Skagit setup made casting easier. Rick can fire off some casts guys, here' a few pictures of Rick in action.




I did however get some nice casts off, hopefully Rick has picture or two of me casting. I even took some video of him casting which I will post later due to the large amount of time that this post is taking.

The Klamath's wide tailouts and runs are great for Spey casting, a dream for guys who like to swing flies.


Fishing this wide river with a Spey rod is much easier and the casting requires so much less effort and energy to casting the length sometime needed to reach some of these Steelhead or to achieve a long slow swing. You guys with singled handed rods have to work way too hard to cast to some of these fish.


Those Klamath HP's are a bunch of fun. Here's a picture of one of them in honor of MSP,


I caught mine mostly on a bead-headed mossback pattern, I tried the other flies you guys suggested, I bet they would have caught more fish if there were more to catch. As far as our trip went we did better than others based on the reports I over heard at the boat launch. Te river is very warm, low 70's according to Bruce, the algae blow is going on which has turned the river a green tint. All these things may be combining to slow down the fishing. Let's hope it improves soon.

Rick, thanks again for a fun trip.

I have many more picture for you guys but for right now I have to go.

09-04-2007, 12:46 PM
Great report Adam. I love the casting photos you took of Rick! Hopefully we can get some rain sometime soon to help cool down the water and improve fishing. The MSP hand photos is classic!

09-04-2007, 02:15 PM
Great report Adam. Sounds like a fun time. Great photos. Particularly like the second one of Rick casting, look at the BEND in that rod, very cool pic. I need to get up there soon! Kevin

09-04-2007, 05:07 PM
Great report and photos Adam. Sorry the fishing wasn't a little better but you seemed to make the best of it. As far as the hand photo, it's nice to see someone with something in their hand. This is all I have had in my hand lately!


Oh yea, you have to go fishing to actually have a fish in your hand!

09-04-2007, 05:42 PM

Sorry the fishing wasnt better. You sure made the best of it tho. Those pictures are beautiful. You sure have an eye for photography :D

Mike :lol: :lol:


09-04-2007, 05:51 PM
Except that I believe The Hand (MSP) usually holds the fish facing away from the hand. :lol:

09-04-2007, 06:02 PM
Good report Adam...Nice photo of the rod/reel.

Nice brew holder Mike! Looks like a 12 weight to me :D



09-04-2007, 07:04 PM
Nice report Adam. Your pictures are great even though there aren't many fish in them. :D


09-04-2007, 07:06 PM

Thanks for posting your trip. I know it taks a long time at the keyboard but it's appreciated. Very fun to see!

I think I enjoy the pics of everything other than the fish more than the ones of the fish, although I didn't mind seeing that very chunky hp'er you landed. :)

Rick J
09-04-2007, 08:06 PM
It was a great trip - wonderful to stay up at the cabin in the evening and relax up there in the heat of the day.

Adam spent most of his casting with the AIRFLO Delta Long and was sending out some great casts



Check out this "D" loop - wild!!!


Adam told me however that while it is imperative that you cast well, it is more important to look good doing it.

Some typical casting shots:



Now I ask you - does this look like a guy who would whine and snivel about a little cold in the morning!!?? :roll:

A couple of shots of casting and fish:





Here is a small adult/heavy half I landed one evening


I sure wish we had a better look at the fish Adam hooked - I had just taken a shot of one of his half pounders and was standing behind him when it looked like someone dumped a bowling ball on top of his fly - I made a comment somethiing like "HOLY SH-T!!!" and it was off :cry:

We brought our single handers along and played with some back channel fish - Adam was persistant and finally figured out a nymph that wouold work and got a couple of nice half #'s


Adam mentioned the skagit system. For maybe the first 2 or 3 years I was a hard core long belly guy and did not even like Wind Cutters. I was lucky enough to fish a few times with Scott ODonnell and Mike McCune - two skagit masters and they spent alot of time working with me on skagit techniques - I had Scott in tears of laughter at my preliminary attempts - Scott is not one to hide his feelings :).

In the last couple of years I have had shoulder and elbow problems and have mostly put away my beloved xlt and gone skagit full time, even for summer applications and floating lines. I am very left hand stupid and have not mastered left hand up but the skagit system lends itself very easily to off shoulder casts so I am able to meet just about any wind and vegetation condition and get off a decent cast. You are not limited to just skagit casts (water loaded) but can easily adapt to touch and go type casts such as the single spey and the snake roll and off shoulder snake roll (these two casts just rock!!!) in tight quarters with little or no back cast room.

Can't wait to get back up there - I just love this lower river!!!

Adam Grace
09-04-2007, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the nice comments guys, I will post some more photos and an addition to my first report tomorrow night after I get home from school. I have some more cool photos and a few videos of Rick skagit casting his spey rod.

Great photos Rick, thanks. I especially like the casting shots, good timing on your part.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-04-2007, 09:38 PM
This is at the top of my list for great threads that are very inspiring with wonderful photos............thanks Adam and Rick.

I still can't get over the fact that many old timers spend 30 to 60 days up there every year.

Rick J
09-05-2007, 06:12 AM
Bill - not sure if you recognize but that first shot of me casting in Adam's post was where you hooked that 10# steelie last year - we fished the run a couple of times but nobody home!!

The adult I hooked across the river from Adam was one of th hotter Klamath fish I have seen for awhile - the fish hit in a huge boil and took off like a rocket downstream - must have taken out 30 to 40 yards - I thought he was way down river but then he jumped most of the way across the river and just a couple of yards downstream of me with my line still way down below :shock: . Got most of the line back and off he went in another 25 yard run. Finally got hime to hand and in the photo was carrying him out to a bit deeper water with some current to revive him! One for the memory books for sure

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-05-2007, 07:40 AM
Great Rick

This is one of my favorite fisheries.

What rod where you using?

We will have to go together next year?

Rick J
09-05-2007, 07:46 AM
Just say the word and we will hit up Mary Ann for another adventure.

I was using 2 rods: The Anderson 1204 - his little 12' 4 wt loaded with the 9/10/11 Windcutter body and a 15' floating tip; and the Sage 6126 (custom made from Gary with a bit longer grip than the standard Sage) loaded with the 450 skagit and a 15 foot floating tip - I was using a 7.5' sinking leader on this set up much of the time.

Adam Grace
09-05-2007, 08:39 PM
I got a chance to cast that Anderson 4wt a couple of times, it is a fun rod with a skagit system.

Here's a couple of short video clips of rick firing off some casts using that same rod:

Here's Rick using a double spey cast:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/th_goodleftdblspey.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/?action=view&current=goodleftdblspey.flv)

Here's Rick using the snake roll cast:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/th_snakeroll.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/?action=view&current=snakeroll.flv)

We stayed two nights Buzzard Roost Lodge, that cool cabin atop a rocky cliff, a landmark on the lower Klamath.


Rick is a long time customer and good friend of Mary Ann, the owner, and Rod her companion. Both Mary Ann and Rod operate the lodge and have such great personalities that you immediately feel like an old friend. The cabins have a great rustic feel with propane lamps to light the interiors of their cabins that are available for lodging while fishing on the Lower Klamath. The cabin overlooking the river is their own residence, the lodging cabins are located away from the cliff face.

Here's a few pictures of their property.


The decorations are cool, there's so many rustic decorations that you would have to stay there multiple times before your see or notice all of the decorations. I loved the eclectic decorations.





Here's a picture from their deck that hangs over the rock cliff, an awesome view. You can also see one of the tourist jet boats blasting past the cabin after they stopped by, like the always do to show their customers this cool cabin.


When the tour boats stoop by they wave to anyone on the deck, I got to wave back, I felt like a mini celebrity, here's them waving back.


If you have a jet boat and want a cool place to stay I recommend the Buzzard Roost Lodge, 707/954-0471, that's the end of my shameless plug. BTW Mary Ann doesn't know that I'm posting about her place like this but I really enjoyed their friendly hospitality and had to share it with you guys.

This is still one of my most favorite pictures from the trip, the view that I had of my rod and line as I search for those fun Klamath River metalheads.


While out wading the river Rick and I had to watch our step at time to prevent from squishing some cool little frogs that littered the banks, here's a picture of one that finally stayed still long enough to take a picture.


Here's my last picture, an image that we all see after the end of a fun trip:


Previously used, wet, wading boots after a good fishing trip seemed like a great picture to capture the end of this fun trip.

I hope that you guys enjoyed the video clips, here's one last video clip for you guys.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/th_finalvideo.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v238/flyguyag/fishing/?action=view&current=finalvideo.flv)

09-05-2007, 09:16 PM
Great report Adam and Rick! Can't wait to break out the freshwater gear and hit the water this winter.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-05-2007, 10:11 PM
I think Rick is trying to tell you that "you are still number one".

This photos essay is so cool.

We loved staying with Mary Ann & Rod last Fall too.

It is a very special part of the world.

Rick J
09-06-2007, 05:20 AM
Great posts Adam - the cabin is one of my all time favorite places to visit!!

Really liked that last video clip following the drift - the only thing that would have topped it was a huge boil at the end but then you would have likely dropped your camera in the river and we would have missed all the other cool shots :)

Adam Grace
09-07-2007, 09:39 AM
This was my first time posting videos. How'd you guys like the videos? Were they too short for the extra effort taken to watch them? What'd you think?

09-09-2007, 06:17 PM

Adam Grace
09-09-2007, 06:42 PM
It's done.

09-09-2007, 08:33 PM
Do us a favor and delete the pic of that guy telling everyone to "F Off"
I hate it when Wayne has to read this kind of material. I mean really, He's only 7 and he knows how to read Kienes Message board. He can also stick and land fish better than half the adults out there. If ya don't believe me, ask Pimpinmeat.

:lol: Are you serious?