View Full Version : Flies for the Klamath

Adam Grace
08-15-2007, 08:54 PM
I have always heard about the popular Klamath flies such as the assassins, mossbacks, and herniators but do you guys have any favorite swinging pattern for half pounders and adults, if so in what sizes do you prefer?

shawn kempkes
08-16-2007, 02:25 AM
My favorite Klamath flies are the Green Butt Skunk, the Silver Hilton and Burlap.

Rick J
08-16-2007, 06:25 AM
I use 2 flies 90% of the time - number one would be a copper bead head moss back (size 8 and 6). Second fly is the Klamath Caddis designed by Brett Jensen - it is a burlap on a TMC 200 tied low water style - fat reversed bullet head underbody of foam with a burlap overbody (natural color works well but I have changed colors - burnt orange is a great one on the North Umpqua when the October Caddis are around). Elk hair wing and soft hackle throat.

I always carry a few others including the Silver Hilton and Brindle Bug as well as a few soft hackles such as grizzly/yellow and grizzly/olive.

If I get a grab and especially if I think it is an adult, I generally will move back upstream 20 feet or so, change flies and go back through - this really paid off last year with a number off hooked fish.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-16-2007, 07:22 AM

We just got some BH Burlaps in that look a little bit like Brett's caddis you showed me before.

We just got a huge shipment of flies for the Klamath River and others.

I like a Silver Hilton in size 8 for the Klamath River.

Another fly that I have used is the Renegade which I got from fishing with Chris Pasley. Peacock bodied flies are good.

I think there are lots of flies that will work. A size #8/10 BH Prince nymph should be about as good as anything but not much sex appeal.

Noe Fierros, a 30 veteran on the Klamath, uses some patterns that look like October caddis dry and pupa patterns?

08-16-2007, 08:37 AM

I think you best bet for the Klamath is an assassin. I am good friends with a number of guides up there and year in year out that is the top producer in August and September. Size 6 or 8, brown with krystal flash tail. If you send me your address, I'll pop a few Klamath flies in an envelope and send them to you (you can e-mail me jrupp@watermc.com).

Good thing is you can use your imagination up there. Any standard steelhead flies will work, also black leeches. But that assassin is a killer.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-16-2007, 09:10 AM
I am pretty sure that the late Dale Lackey developed that fly. Basically a dark green woolly worm with some flash. Deadly.........

It is on the list of top 10 Klamath River flies.

Adam Grace
08-16-2007, 09:19 AM
bigtj, I sent you a pm, thanks again for the offer but I have plenty of assassins from my last trip.

08-16-2007, 05:34 PM
Adam I have been fishing the lower Klamath between Cappell and Mettah for over 25 yrs. Like Bill said Silver Hilton is a sure bet along with the brindle. Try to fish just below Roach Creek or the Mettah either side of the Mettah riffle will produce, just offer a couple of cigars to Lenard the local care taker of the west side of the river sometimes he he will try to kick fisherman off but he really cant. There our always good people fishing there that tie there own flies that are size 10-12 and always share. They look like a red brindle bud w/ a bead head. Good luck I am there this coming week. Cant wait.

08-16-2007, 06:19 PM
My favorite klamath fly is a tmc 105 hook with a pegged bead 1" above hook. :D

Only kidding!

I would go with a October Hilton #5 tied low water.

Terry Thomas
08-16-2007, 06:44 PM
The "Bloody Mary' is another fly used on the Klamath. Always good to have a bug with a little red in it.

Charlie Gonzales
08-16-2007, 08:19 PM
How bout the old bread crust (I think thats whatit was called)

Adam Grace
08-16-2007, 09:10 PM
Thanks for all of your suggestions guys!

I had some free time today so I started tying a bunch of Klamath flies, and since I still had some time available I took pictures of them for you guys to see and offer constrictive criticism. I still have some more flies to tie, like the bloody mary and the bread crust to name a few.

Here are the flies that I tied today in my own style, I deviated a little from their standard patterns..

Here's a #10 mossback.

Here's a #10 Brindle Bug.

Here's a mossback colored assassin, I also tied some in a brindle bug coloration, and some if a coffee color (brown & black varigated chennile.)

Here's a couple of Renegade type of patterns with short bright marabou tails.


I also have tied up a Silver Hilton Variation with a bronze mallard tail and black UV ice dubbing body that gives this fly a nice subtle sparkle.

Here are a few of my spey caddis patterns that should also work on the Klamath.


I will tie up some different flies in a couple of days and post pictures of those flies then.

Do you think that these flies will work?

Dustin Revel
08-16-2007, 09:15 PM
If you want to get crazy tie purple assaassins... that fly produces.

08-16-2007, 09:24 PM
Do you think that these flies will work?

Uh-Huh! :D

When are ya comin up adam?


08-16-2007, 09:26 PM
No Adam, those flies won't work, trust me. I wouldn't even bother going up there if I were you! Put those flies away and I will pick them up on my way to the "T". I don't get many fish up there anyway so I might as well get skunked on your flies!

BTW: Nice ties!

Adam Grace
08-16-2007, 09:27 PM
Jay, I will be fishing it with Rick J over Labor Day weekend.

Charlie Gonzales
08-16-2007, 09:36 PM
Sorry guys I forgot we were talking about on the swing. my bad.

Adam Grace
08-17-2007, 12:13 PM
I tied up some purple assassins, red-butted skunks, and bloody marys today. Here's a full card of Klamath flies ready to be put to the test.


I also have some larger more adult steelhead sized flies in the same colorations, also the ever important black steelhead flies.

08-17-2007, 12:36 PM
That's an awesome looking collection of flies. Very nice job. =D>

Looking forward hearing the results of your trip.

Adam Grace
08-17-2007, 02:12 PM
Thanks for the compliment.

I just can't seem to stop tying flies right now, so here's another fly that I tied today.

A classic feather-winged steelhead pattern in a more natural tone with some added sparkle to sweeten the pot.


What do you guys think?

08-18-2007, 06:54 PM
I like that last pattern a lot Adam! Headed up there next week. Here's a few of my bugs.



Adam Grace
08-18-2007, 07:53 PM
Aaron, nice flies! Are they tied on Alec Jackson hooks? I haven't gone into traditional spey patterns like those yet, I don't klnow if I ever will. But I can totally appreciate some of the work to tie those beautiful flies.

Keep up the good work.

Have you played with tubes flies yet?

I have found the 1" sizes to be a little bit difficult to spey cast with my 1287 ARC.

08-18-2007, 08:23 PM
The gold hook is an Alec Jackson while the black is a Tiemco 202sp. I've really enjoyed tying these traditional patterns lately and am going to focus on fishing them on the Klamath/Trinity this season. The two flies posted are surprisingly easy to tie. To me it as almost as fun digging through the history and nostalgia of classic patterns/materials as fishing them.

As far as tubes go I like them a lot for winter fishing. You can tie some really simple patterns with marabou or rabbit that can be absolutely deadly and the short shank hooks are great for keeping fish hooked up.

Good luck on the Klamath


08-18-2007, 09:13 PM
Great looking flies Aaron. Especially like that first one. Those flies will do well on the Klamath and beyond!

Adam. Love those red butt hiltons on the right in your photo. Very nice!!!

Looking forward to the coming reports.....the rogue sucks lately!


Adam Grace
08-19-2007, 09:30 AM
Jay, sorry to hear about the Rogue :(

08-19-2007, 10:19 AM
Adam that is a GREAT looking box of flies for the Klamath. When I fish there I always start with with a brown assasin with a silver flash tail. It looks as though you already have a good assortment but thought I would mention one more that was the best producer for my dad and I last year. It was a peacock hilton. Simply a silver hilton with a peacock herl body. Just be sure to twist the herl with oval tinsel or better yet wire before wrapping the body. Good luck and have a great time. Kevin

Adam Grace
08-19-2007, 10:51 AM
Kevin, Thanks for the suggestion about a Peacock Hilton, I will tie some up.

Thanks also for mentioning twisting the peacock herl, that is a very important technique when using that material. I prefer to twist my herl around wire for strength and some added weight when I tie larger flies. I prefer to twist it around thread for smaller flies like trout nymphs.

Rick J
08-19-2007, 07:33 PM
Adam - nice flies but what are you going to use the second day?? :)

Should be a good trip - just got back - Bruce and I did not fish real hard but found a number of adults and a few half pounders.

Adam Grace
08-19-2007, 09:59 PM
As you guys see when I get excited about a trip like this I tend to go a little overboard on fly production but I hate never having enough of a "hot" fly and it's hard to know what's going to be a hot fly. I realize that getting the fly in front of the fish in a matter that pleases them can be more important then the style or color but sometimes the fly can make all the difference.

08-21-2007, 06:34 PM
The next time I'm swinging for steelhead I'm going to use a fly Al Perryman gave me. It's called a Lady Caroline. I'm sure it will work on the Klamath very well.

Rick J
08-22-2007, 05:43 AM
The Lady Caroline is a great fly _ I have not used it much on the Klamath but am sure it would be deadly - it was a hot fly up on the Grand Ronde a couple of years ago!

Adam Grace
08-22-2007, 06:02 AM
That fly looks god but I am not willing to invest in even more tying materials that are only really used in spey flies. If a fishing buddy had a few to try out I'd trow one out there on my spey rod and hopefully experience the fly's fish catching performance.

08-22-2007, 06:40 AM

The original Lady Caroline doesn't call for anything special, just some mallard flank and golden pheasant (the blue eared pheasant isn't necessary at all!), and both these materials are great for trout flies. You don't necessarily need the golden pheasant, you can use ringneck or just the right colored hackle. There is nothing wrong with substituting.


Adam Grace
08-22-2007, 05:10 PM
Thanks John

I don't own or tie with any of those materials except for the mallard, and I'm not in a rush to buy any more materials right now, but I might rummage through my tons of materials to find some types of replacements when I have the time.

08-22-2007, 05:24 PM
Hey Adam
I don't remember having to buy anything to tie up the fly Al gave me. I came up with enough material to get my copy close. Steelhead are stupid and that's the only reason I love and catch them. Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you one of the copies I made. Sorry I can't remember what I used to tie my renditions.


Rick J
08-25-2007, 10:27 AM
Here are some of the klamath flies I use:

Copper Bead Head Moss Back


Low Water Style Moss Back


Klamath Caddis:


No Name -light colored fly with gold bead:


Same fly tied low water style:


Green Hilton:


08-25-2007, 12:27 PM
Good looking flies there Rick!

Adam Grace
08-25-2007, 01:18 PM
Yup, more nice flies that I just have to tie up before our trip, thanks for the homework Rick :wink:

08-25-2007, 01:42 PM
Hey Adam
Steelhead are stupid and that's the only reason I love and catch them.


No wonder I get tired of catrching them all day long.
After about the 20th 9 pounder, I loose all interest :rolleyes:

Adam Grace
08-25-2007, 02:17 PM
Digger, lets just hope that Rick and I get to that "losing interest" point next weekend :D

08-25-2007, 03:55 PM
All very nice looking flies guys. I'm just wondering why ya don't mix up the bead colors on your bead heads. I have found copper beads work very well at times and the hot orange bead head flies are very good. The hot orange bead head flies work the best for me in the I-5 region of the Klamath in Nov. and Dec.

Hey Digger
It takes catching more than 20 steelhead a day on the Rogue to get tired. They only average around 5lbs. :D :D

Rick J
08-25-2007, 06:24 PM
Acutally I use different colored beads - generally copper on moss backs, gold on brindle bugs and light colored flies and silver on Hiltons. Use black on occasion on all of them. Have not used orange and have not seen them much but like the concept - will look next time I am in the shop

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-25-2007, 06:39 PM
I met some cool older dudes on the Klamath last week.

They had a nice medium size outboard jet boat and were fly fishing with single handed 6 weight rods and floating lines swinging small flies.

I asked one of them how many years he had fished the Klamath. He said for many years but he has been staying in an RV park on the lower river for 2.5 months a year now sense he retired 9 years ago. Wow....I hate that guy.

He said he has seen some nice fishing. Well I guess so.

I looked at his flies after asking him what he was using.

Both (tandem rigged) about the size of a #8/10 nymph with a bigger than normal bead head. One was red and the other was green.

I think that lots of flies work there. Maybe just BH #8 or 10 nymphs like a olive Bird's Nest or Prince nymph?

Small olive or black woolly worms or woolly buggers should work fine?

I think when they are fresh and running up the river happy they will eat lots of different flies.

I like a Renegade and Silver Hilton but was fishing the BH Moss Back because I feel Rick J knows best.

I think a large bead head fly on a long leader with a floating line can sink fairly deep too.

08-25-2007, 08:20 PM
Bill I think your right about all the flies you mentioned working well for steelhead. At times I have very good luck on a Green Prince with a copper bead and also a Guinea Prince and all sorts of others. For the last two years the hot orange beads on some flies have been the hot set up for me. Jbird has always used them, but for quite a while I was doing better with the copper beads. I always fish tandem flies and for the last two years 75% of the fish I've hooked hit the fly with the orange bead. I think it has to do with contrast. It doesn't hurt to over size them either but if your clanking bottom a lot the finish does chip over time.


M Duper
11-02-2013, 08:48 PM
Hi Adam, when it comes to tailing the mossback and brindle bug what is your theory? I see that you like the dual feather. Is that for aesthetics? I do like the look. Or do you think it changes the action one way or another? Maybe something else I'm missing?

Bill Kiene semi-retired
11-02-2013, 11:18 PM
Hi Adam

Mike at the Eureka Fly Shop said his top fly this fall on the Klamath River was the old Silver Hilton in size 6, 8 and 10.

11-03-2013, 11:33 PM
Wow, this is a great thread! Thanks to everyone who posted pictures and listed flies (even way back in 2007). I'm heading up to the Klamath for the first time in two weeks and will try to tie up a few of these patterns for the trip. Let's hope there are some fish around. If anyone has some recent info, I'd sure appreciate hearing it too.


11-04-2013, 11:33 AM
I am going to be headed up to the Klamath over the Thanksgiving week. This thread popped up at the right time for sure. I'll be at the vice over the next couple weeks and looking forward to getting out there.

SFMike, please report back after your time on the water.

11-06-2013, 11:36 AM
Bill I think your right about all the flies you mentioned working well for steelhead. At times I have very good luck on a Green Prince with a copper bead and also a Guinea Prince and all sorts of others. For the last two years the hot orange beads on some flies have been the hot set up for me. Jbird has always used them, but for quite a while I was doing better with the copper beads. I always fish tandem flies and for the last two years 75% of the fish I've hooked hit the fly with the orange bead. I think it has to do with contrast. It doesn't hurt to over size them either but if your clanking bottom a lot the finish does chip over time.


This was my go to orange beaded fly last week......it was really picking up some fish where some other common flies were not. I think part of it was the sink rate and depth it ran and it worked best in the evenings as soon as the sun left the water......