View Full Version : August?

Bill Kiene semi-retired
07-30-2007, 10:05 AM
We're pretty lucky around Sacramento not getting those multi-100 plus degree days this summer, yet.

As I have mentioned before, going to our CA Pacific coast is wonderful because it can be about 20 degrees cooler over there. You have surf fishing and rock fishing from small boats not to mention clamming, crabbing, salmon, albacore and bottom fish. I get hungry just thinking about it.

Many will be up on the Oregon coast as well.

We do have some early run Steelhead that will come into many big river systems in August. Best to do the AM and PM thing for those fish.

The Sacramento drainage gets some early fish too, like the Feather, American, Sacramento and Yuba. Look for them in the lower reaches.

The Klamath, Rogue, Umpqua and Deschutes get Steelhead in early too but fishing all day long in the heat is not usually too productive or comfortable.

Higher elevations in the mountains are cooler too. As you get up to places that are over 5000' you start to get cooler temps too.

Locally we need to get up real early and get out in the cool mornings. It has been cooling off in the evening too, especially around south Sacramento where you get that Delta breeze in the PM.

Fishing mid-day, say noon till about 4pm, is pretty hard on us and the fish. Good time to take a break.

08-04-2007, 08:54 AM
Friday, August 03, 2007
Update from Ed Berry

Animations of upper tropospheric daily mean vector wind anomalies do give a nice signal of slow eastward movement across the tropics/subtropics. There are downstream anomalous troughs just west of the date line with equatorial westerlies (15-25 m/s anomalies) across the Western Hemisphere to about South America. Included is a Northern Hemispheric component across the Pacific Ocean to the first in a series of troughs about to dig along the west coast of the USA.

The global circulation continues to behave La-Nina like.

However, at least synoptically for the USA the major circulation pattern reversal with an anomalous western USA trough and Deep South ridge is probable. Furthermore, Rossby wave energy dispersions arcing from the Indian Ocean tropical forcing into the higher latitudes will contribute to an anomalous deep cyclone covering much of western and central Canada. Hence a full latitude trough extending into the western USA is a good forecast meaning the polar westerlies should shift southward.

There has been some thought from at least one official forecast center based on model output the ridge may return to the Rockies during week 2. While this is an option, I could easily argue a “cold/wet regime” from the east slopes of the Rockies into the Plains weeks 2-3. Again, this emphasizes the uncertainty given the stochastic nature of the atmosphere. Right now there is little if any support from ensembles for a central USA cold/wet pattern weeks 2-3.

There is little change in my outlooks for weeks 1-3 (through ~24 August). The “wicked ridge of the west” will expand into the Deep South and eastern USA as the westerlies come southward into the Rockies and Plains downstream from the western USA trough. A reversal of the temperature and precipitation anomalies observed across much of the country for the last 4-6 weeks may occur. Severe MCS activity with flooding rainfall is likely from the Northern Plains into the Ohio Valley periodically through at least the middle of this month. This “storm track” should slowly shift south. Intense heat may focus on the south central into the mid-Atlantic states, along with high dewpoints.

Adam Grace
08-04-2007, 09:21 AM
Wow, that was way too intense for this guy who just woke up. :shock:

08-04-2007, 09:55 AM
sorry buddy, let me highlight...

a Northern Hemispheric component across the Pacific Ocean to the first in a series of troughs about to dig along the west coast of the USA

for the USA the major circulation pattern reversal with an anomalous western USA trough and Deep South ridge is probable

a full latitude trough extending into the western USA is a good forecast meaning the polar westerlies should shift southward

A reversal of the temperature and precipitation anomalies observed across much of the country for the last 4-6 weeks may occur

hope that helps.....

Dustin Revel
08-04-2007, 10:15 AM
huh???? I'll go sleep on it.

Adam Grace
08-04-2007, 10:16 AM
So we are going to experience a cooling trend because cool air from the north is going to be channeled down our western trough, right by California possibly bringing rain. I hate feeling stupid.

08-04-2007, 12:16 PM
Soooo,.... Cooler than normal weather for the west at this time of the year will not please the farmers but might make for some good fishin' weather.... :?: :?: Sounds good to me.... :D :D

Jay Murakoshi
08-04-2007, 12:59 PM
Triple digits, that's all the Fresno area knows. I think they said we've had 14 straight days of HOT weather. I haven't seen it yet.
Starting on Monday, the winter weather is suppose to set in. Something like 89 degrees for a high and low to mid 60's at night. Time to bring out the fleech clothing :D

I know the water problem is creating havic on the lakes. San Luis is at 27% of capacity. The fish should be easier to locate. The Forebay has been kicking out a few small stripers.


08-04-2007, 06:47 PM

Bill Kiene semi-retired
08-04-2007, 08:10 PM
Looks like we will have some cooling next week starting tomorrow?

High-80s is pretty 'cool'.