View Full Version : Truckee River

07-06-2007, 06:46 PM
Unfortunately this will be my first trip out in since my first middle fork american experience over a month ago, that started a mega thread (more about property rights than fishing although they are a tangled related mess), but I digress.

I'm going to try and fish the Truckee on Sunday. I have only fished this river once and it was year ago. I fished with my dad's buddies down by Floriston.

Anyone have ideas on these subjects:

Where to go I liked that area down by Floriston but it sounds like different times of year could determine the better spots.

Is it worth it after this heat wave, I figured going up (elevation) would be better.

Time of day. I am going to try and make it an all day deal. Obviously evening will be good what about morning (how early) and other parts of the day?

Fly's- I had a hell of a time last year even though there were good hatches coming off. Any ideas? Time's of day? I ususally fish a dry with a dropper -good idea/bad idea?

If I can't get into Kiene's before I leave (I live up in Lincoln) should I swing into Cutter's Hardware (I think that's what it's called in Truckee)?

I promise pictures (even if it's just of the river and my labs) and the best report I can give for any and all advice.

I will obviously give a report no matter of the advice given.

Thanks in advance,
dryflychico (aka Josh)

07-08-2007, 04:39 PM
Hey Josh.

I hit the Truckee on Friday with a Buddy. The water was pretty good from about 9:00 to Noon. After that, it just got too warm. The water hit over 68F and the fish started napping. I hooked into two larger rainbows (about 18"), but they both broke off. My buddy knocked one off while trying to net it for me and the other ran under a boulder and snapped it. :roll: Oh well. It still was fun! He had a couple of strikes, but missed the hook-set.

Everything was on yellow stimulators #8 with a bead-head prince nymph dropper #16. We fished UPSTREAM from the Glenshire bridge turnout.

We saw very few bugs (a few sporadic caddis flies) and no risers, but they came up for the Stimis! :D We couldn't stay for the dusk, but had NOTHING from Noon to 4 PM.

Good luck!

- Rick.

07-08-2007, 05:02 PM
Rick, you are dead-on with the report. I was there Friday as well with a buddy and it was slow for us. Few landed on Schafer 3D, fox poopah, and micro mays. I got a take on a e/c caddis but couldn't stick the hook on a downstream drift.

Water was ridiculously warm and the swimmers were out in full force. Some kayakers drifted by within 15ft of me and I had to bite my lip from cussing them out.

Seems the guys in the morning did better. Floriston might have been a better bet...

07-09-2007, 08:43 PM
The wind was howling out there on the Truckee Friday afternoon. But then again, that's always my excuse when the fishing's slow. It couldn't possibly be me, right?