View Full Version : A match made in heaven

05-18-2007, 08:17 AM
:D Sorry for the religious conotation in the title :D

I recently purchaced the RIO Tropical 15' VersiTip Fly Line in 9wt for my TFO TiCrx 8wt. Never in my 20+ years of flycasting have I found such a dynomite combo!

I took it for a test drive in the park last night and was able to consistently throw to the backing with all 5 tips. This settup loaded beautifully at short distances too.
With the 15' heads the junction between body and head were never in the guides to cause casting problems like with shooting heads. Also, with shooting heads, if you aerialize too much line, your cast will colapse. This line behaves like a full line. I could aerialize 60+' and still throw the rest of the line on target.

The 5 tips will cover a range of situations (perfect for baja waters). Though I havnt fished for bones or tarpon, I would think the floating and intermediate tips would serve well. In the non tropical version this line would be all youd need for delta stripers and LMB.

The price may seem steep as its about equal to 2 full lines, but what you get is 5 lines plus no need for extra spools.

I highly recommend this line for your ticrx rods. uplined one


05-18-2007, 08:38 AM
Aloha Jay I am stoked you like the TiCr X. It sounds like you found a line system to cover all the bases. Now just fon't get spooled on a big rooster! Mems

05-18-2007, 01:24 PM
Jay, thanks for the review and comments! Sounds like just the thing for kayaking, where you may only want to carry one rod and reel and don't want the hassle of switching and stringing up full lines in order to have the versatility.