View Full Version : Suggestions for a 3 wt

04-03-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm looking to invest in a small stream 3 wt. I want something for under $400 and preferably with a med-med/fast action. Can I throw small indicators on a 3 wt if it is a stiffer action???

So, What I've been considering:

Orvis TLS 843-4 Mid 7.5 I've never cast an Orvis -Any thoughts/comments?
Scott A2 803/4 Fell in love with Scott Rods @ Pleasanton show.

Any other suggestions :?:

04-03-2007, 06:22 PM

Adam Grace
04-03-2007, 11:46 PM
I like the Scott A2 rods. The inexpensive Echo 3wt rod, 7'6" if I remember correctly, is awesome, a nice smooth feel.

As far as throwing indicators on a 3wt....a more powerful rod would help, as well as a choosing a longer rod, but that still doesn't make up for the lack of pulling power due to the lines light physical weight. If you buy a powerful 3wt you'll lose some of the feel that is associated with the allure of 3wt rods.

04-04-2007, 12:32 AM
That Echo is the bomb. I picked one up and have been nothing but impressed. I'd still pick it up if it cost $100 more than it does now. Also...did you go to Woodcreek?

04-04-2007, 01:15 AM
During the period of low flows on Putah Creek I fished a 7'6" 3 wt with a small indicator with no problem. It's a medium action rod, so it worked well unless the wind picked up. I would check out that Beulah rod. That is a beautiful rod! I would check out Scotts as well. I love those rods. I wish I could afford to buy more. It's tough being a student, though.

04-04-2007, 05:25 AM

for what its worth i own the A2 in 3, 5 & 8. Great rod for the money and they have been great with service/replacement the couple of times my 5WT has gotten a mind of its own and broken its tip :twisted:

in fact the Truckee skunked me and my 5WT A2 on Sunday. gonna need to PM you for some advice. i expect to have several oppty's to hit the TR this spring and summer.


04-04-2007, 06:55 AM
love my TFO Pro 3 weight. All I can say for a buck forty, and a lifetime warranty its hard to beat. IMO it casts better than anything twice its price. A2's are pretty nice though... Or you could just get a TFO and buy a new reel, extra spools, and like 3 different lines for the same price. =P

To each his own though....

J.R. Hubbard
04-04-2007, 09:41 AM
I know this rod is over $400 but i thought i would throw it out there. I have 3710 Sage TXL and it is my favorite rod to fish of any rod I own. It will make a 4in trout feel like a whale and can cast in the wind and throw a streamer. It's one of the best all around trout rods for smaller fish I've fished.

Good Luck

04-04-2007, 09:50 AM
Any opinions on the Sage Launch 3wt? Is it any better/worse than the others mentioned? I like the lifetime warranty but is it just the Sage name that costs the extra $60?

Oh yeah, I'm considering a 3wt too. Thanks for starting the thread dtp!

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-04-2007, 09:57 AM
I would come by the shop and cast them all to see what fits your casting style.

04-04-2007, 10:36 AM
That Echo is the bomb. I picked one up and have been nothing but impressed. I'd still pick it up if it cost $100 more than it does now. Also...did you go to Woodcreek?

What about the Echo2-378fw-4x :?:

No, did not go to Woodcreek. I went to a boarding school in the mountains outside of Lassen and was at Rocklin for my Senior year.

Ben Kobrin
04-04-2007, 12:55 PM
I'd also like to throw in my vote for the echo. I've got the 7'6" 3wt, the 9' 5wt and the 10' 7wt and they're all fantastic. My theory is that I'd rather own all three for the price of one "high-end rod". And they just feel GREAT! I've never heard anyone day a bad thing about any of the echo rods. I've got my 3wt paired w/ a little Loomis Venture reel and it balances perfectly. OK, there's my 2 cents.

04-04-2007, 06:22 PM
I have the TFO finesse series in a 7'9" 3 weight. Great little rod. It was about $180 from Cabelas.