View Full Version : Coast this Weekend

02-05-2007, 06:59 PM
Anyone have any suggestions. I have never been to the coast and want to go check it out. Probabaly will be mostly a scouting trip so I would like to see a couple of different rivers, are there any that are close together. Any info is appreciated.

02-05-2007, 09:12 PM
Depends whats close to you, but you could always book by the russian then north to the garcia/gualala river system.
Worst case its great scenery. Particularly the gualala. Steelhead, redwoods, beer. The foundation for the coastal fly fisherman. lol.

If you have a salt rod, bring that and hit up some of the coves on the way back. Can usually get into some perch depending on the swell.

As with all coastal steelhead fishing, its hit or miss, but the scenery out there makes it worth the trip. Any of the streamtime maps should give you a starting point for exploration on foot.

02-05-2007, 09:58 PM
I went up this weekend just to check things out. The Garcia and Gualala are both a trickle right now. They are not even connecting to the ocean. I would head further north and see whats going on up there.

02-05-2007, 10:32 PM
If you're heading over to fish, try the Russian as it is very likely the only one open at this time (until it rains again). If you're going scouting, try going out on Hwy 128 from Cloverdale to the coast. There're a bunch of Creek/Streams close by for scouting and some very good restuarants for stoking the fires. I'd take Paul's advice and bring a saltwater rig with you. Check out protected beaches/coves for Perch/Rockfish.....

Good luck.... :D :D :D

lee s.
02-05-2007, 10:33 PM
Coastal creeks are closed for low-flow, as is the Eel.
Saw a spot low on the Russian this afternoon. Old-timer reported 25-50 fish landed there this AM (till 2PM?) and we saw another 15 fish to the fly guys and 4 fish to the gut guys while we watched from about 4PM.
Art hooked his first steelhead useing our rod, head, and amnesia, another first for him, while he got coaching from a person sitting on a nice dry, warm dock. He too, now, does not see why people complain about amnesia.
Grand year on the river. It will be interesting to see by the count if that should be claimed to increased numbers OR increased optimal fishing time......NO VINEYARD MUD!
We were on the Smith, the Mad, and Chetco this last week. All very low and gin clear. VERY tough fishing but GRAND water for observing steelhead reactions. This water seems to keep most fishers at home, so crowds are not a bother.
Rain predicted for a few days so......ALL subject to change! 8)
.....lee s.

02-06-2007, 05:55 PM
Thanks for all of your help guys

Rick J
02-07-2007, 07:53 AM
Actually the flow phone indicates no streams are closed - the rain the next couple of days could really help things - depending on how much rain we get. The eel was red hot a couple of weeks ago but has slowed as it is very low and clear (though still open)

02-07-2007, 09:19 AM
Low flow closure were not in effect as of yesterday, I fished the Eel and South Fork Eel, they both were low and slow, the Van Duzen is too low to hold anything (I see it every day on the way to work), I heard the Mattole was producing a few.
We are expecting 3-4" of rain in the next four days, this should blow out the coastal rivers in Humboldt but bring in new fish.
I would keep a close eye on how much water is comming down before making the venture.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
02-07-2007, 11:10 AM
We could have some more good conditions after this rain.

You have to go in the right week after this rain.

02-07-2007, 01:32 PM
Anyone fishing rivers over on the Sonoma, Mendocino Coast should know that they ARE closed to fishing. The No. Coast Rivers (Mattole River North) are NOT closed as the low flow restrictions no longer are applied in those areas after January 1st. What determines flow closure for Sonoma and Mendocino Coast rivers (Gualala, Garcia, Navarro up to Ft Bragg) is the flow at the USGS gauge on the Russian River at Guerneville. When that flow drops below 500cfs they close the coastal rivers but not the Russian River. The Russian itself is not subject to flow closures.

Of course this should no longer be an issue after the weather this weekend.

:) :)

02-07-2007, 06:12 PM
Is there a website that tells if the rivers are opened or closed or do you just go the Dept. of water resources to check the flows and compare them to the regs

02-08-2007, 09:49 AM
There's a couple of telephone numbers in the DFG Regs (get a copy at the sporting goods store or view on-line at www.dfg.ca.gov) that you can use to determine whether Coastal Rivers/Streams are "open" or closed to fishing. The conditions are updated weekly or at lesser intervals if needed. 8) 8)

With the incoming rainstorms, I don't think there's gonna be much problem with closures during the coming weekend or following week. The biggest problem is going to be finding water to clear enough to fish. 8) 8) 8)

02-08-2007, 10:50 PM
I'm sure most of us have this, but in case you don't:
