View Full Version : Forget about global warming.. there's much worse out there..

Mike McKenzie
01-12-2007, 10:11 AM
We don't have time to worry about global warming. We need action now with regard to this dangerous toxic chemical. Do your part to save our fisheries from this stuff. If you believe Al Gore then you'd better believe this!!


The reports state that DiHydrogren Monoxide (DHMO) is a deady compound that can be found almost everywhere, especially in our rivers and lakes and poses risk to our fisheries as well as people.

"Enviromentalists warn of the dire concequences of this compound being released as a by-product of the Hydrogren economy and urge Govt funding into alternatives."


Matt Frey
01-12-2007, 10:15 AM
Who doesnt enjoy a nice tall glass of Dihydrogen Monoxide? :D

We couldnt fish without it either.