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  1. Favorite American river fly ??
  2. Sac ISE
  3. ISE Schedule & Fly Fishing show schedule
  4. New Materials
  5. New Silicone Anchovy
  6. Joli Glaze
  7. Help with fly tying on Saturdays?
  8. Lee Haskin will put on free tying demo at Kiene's
  9. Alevin Pattern
  10. free feathers
  11. Another Bass Bug
  12. Smolt pattern
  13. Ah, memories....
  14. Free Feathers- Thanks Steve
  15. Stick Caddis?
  16. Fly tying Saturday !!
  17. Bob Quigley will be teaching a salt water fly tying class
  18. Fly tying classes at Kiene's
  19. Fly Tying Style
  20. Crawdad Pattern
  21. goose biots?
  22. How about a FLY SWAP !!???!!
  23. Jay Murakoshi volunteered for March 19, Saturday.......
  24. Febuary fly swap update -
  25. Fly swap photos ....
  26. Lee Haskins
  27. New spooled materials
  28. Bill Carnazzo volunteers for March 12, Saturday
  29. Fly Swap Update
  30. Tying Vises
  31. New Material Recieved
  32. Hooks ( rant !)
  33. Pedestal or Clamp?
  34. Morrish Super Pupa
  35. Microtube uses
  36. Helpful Fly Tying Organizational Products
  37. Favorite Fly Tying Websites
  38. MARCH FLY SWAP!! Double Whammy......
  39. Favorite sub-surface color ????
  40. Feb. swap flies are due soon ....
  41. Dry fly dubbing?
  42. Andy's Striper Caviar
  43. Striper Hooks
  45. Reject Flies
  46. FlySwapper B.B.Q. this Friday , March 11th !!
  47. First Clousers
  48. Fly Tying Forum
  49. Jay Murakoshi free on Saturday, March 19th.
  50. March Flyswap Update!!
  51. April Fly Swap - Question
  52. Perspective .....
  53. Febuary swapflies will go out tomorrow -
  54. Bob Quigley Fly Tying Class
  55. Keeping Material Organized
  56. Jay M. on Saturday ....
  57. Skittle Fly Pattern?
  58. The "Wet Pinky" shad fly.
  59. Trading different flies ??
  60. April Fly Swap!!!
  61. How Many Years of Fly Tying Experience Do You Have?
  62. Fly tying get togethers at the shop?
  63. Bob Quigley's salt water tying class is cancelled tomorrow.
  64. Paint for poppers
  65. Tying Desk Disaster
  66. New Bass Flies
  67. Bass fly spun deer hair tying tips
  68. Great Fly Tying Website
  69. Fly Tying Tips
  70. BS Nymph
  71. The Gummy Minnow is getting hot now
  72. Smolts....
  73. MAY Fly Swap?
  74. May Fly Swap CLOSED
  75. Biot tails
  76. MAY Fly Swap UPDATE
  77. Ken Miller's flies on the web
  78. baja flies
  79. Newbies to the Forum
  80. Dry-fly hackle question -
  81. Favorite Brand of Hooks?
  82. Steelhead flies and dubbing?
  83. Cree substitute?
  84. June Fly Swap???
  85. June Fly Swap Sign-Ups in Process!
  86. Experimental Bass Fly No. 37C
  87. June Fly Swap Update
  88. Hacklestacker fly pattern
  89. What magic did tiemco do to the tmc 2488h?
  90. steelhead flies?
  91. Tungsten Beads
  92. Fly Swaps????
  93. hackle poll
  94. Alaska Flies
  95. Helgrammites???
  96. Pacific Salmon Flies....
  97. steelhead/salmon flies??
  98. Extended Body
  99. Blue wing SULPHUR??
  100. No July Flyswap -
  101. August Fly Swap is CLOSED -
  102. Burlap?
  103. unistretch vs. unifloss
  104. RS2 Nymph / Emerger
  105. Nor-Vise
  106. Black Heads vs Shiny Heads
  107. Angel hair
  108. Tying schlappen
  109. tying in silver hilton wings
  110. marabou steelhead/salmon flies
  111. Plastic tube fly
  112. Convict Special
  113. Vise?
  115. Ted Fay Flies....
  116. Tying a Proper Mossback & Assassin
  118. Need long shank hooks for the Sacramento Salmon Festival
  119. September Fly Swap is CLOSED
  120. Fly tying get together??? anyone....anyone....
  121. Steelhead pattern with fox fur wings?
  122. A few silver hilton variations for steelhead season...
  123. Silver hilton marabou spey
  124. how to tie with montana fly Otter eggs?
  125. Baja flies , part 1
  126. Sierra Stonefly Nymph Swap
  127. Seafood Buffet !!!!
  128. More Baja surf flies .....
  129. October Fly Swap?
  130. ADIOS
  131. SOFTEX
  132. october caddis
  133. A few more steelhead flies...
  135. Tube Fly Supplies
  136. New Neutralizer color
  137. Your favorite hooks?
  138. Secret Holiday swap is CLOSED
  139. Tying classes at Kiene's this winter
  140. Copper John variations
  141. wierd bugs to tie...
  142. Holiday Swap Reminder
  143. SaltWater Fly Pattern
  144. dyeing feathers green
  145. Sharpening scissors
  146. 101 flies with tutorials
  147. All I got for Xmas
  148. Help?
  149. Fly tying classes @ Kiene's this winter
  150. Kreh's Deciever
  151. Hale Bopp Leech pattern
  152. Cool Fly Tying Site!
  153. And another one!
  154. Spinning deer hair?
  155. Happy New Year's Swap!!
  156. fly dryers
  157. Loligo Opalescens....???!!!!!
  158. Striper Fly Swap?
  159. Thread help
  160. Lee Haskin will be putting on a free tying demo.............
  161. Toothpicks: interesting infomation
  162. Need storage??
  163. Thin profile nymphs
  164. Umbrella Hooks
  165. Anybody using their swap flies?
  166. Head-on-Humpy (HOH)
  167. ignore this thread- no longer relevant
  168. New Vise!
  169. Help?
  170. Glue Question?
  171. otter
  172. ANNOUNCEMENT: Foam Fly Swap!!! Swap is Closed
  173. rubber legs question
  174. popovics surf candy small...
  175. fun with poppers
  176. What I've been working on
  177. April Flyswap is CLOSED -
  178. The Frantic Fry...
  179. Mullet pattern
  180. Tube flies for Steelhead
  181. Optical magnification.
  182. Gordon Griffiths 14/0 Fly Tying Thread
  183. hosting a fly swap??
  184. Toad fly
  185. What are you planning on tying over the next month ??
  186. Left Handed tying
  187. Question for Lee Haskins -
  188. Feather Swap
  189. Online color chart
  190. 6200 shad flies
  191. Tarpon worm fly? palolo worm
  192. Bass Flies
  193. Fly category on our Gallery now
  194. Thom's Flats Shrimp Fly
  195. Bauer Crab
  196. Wired Bodied Nymphs
  197. Big pink billfish / Dorado flies
  198. Shad Fly Exchange
  199. Transporting tying materials to England
  200. Buying a New Vise
  201. Jay Fair's email
  202. May Fly Swap
  203. Clouser material advice.....
  204. FYI
  205. UV epoxy article
  206. Gurgler Patterns
  207. Rubber Legs
  208. May fly swap on the return
  209. Divers
  211. help with trico's!!!!
  212. Bass bug
  213. Pretreat feather with flexament?
  215. new to fly tying
  216. Another Diver
  217. Hairy Idea Swap POSTONED...
  218. Questions on Bead Heads
  219. equipment suggestions?
  220. EH Caddis Alternates
  221. Stingers?
  222. What to do with Llama ??????
  223. Pig boat thingy
  224. Having the Boys over for tying .....
  225. help with striper flies
  226. Big Fly Swap?
  227. Steelhead fly swap
  229. Since striper flies came up
  230. Upper Trinity Mystery Hatch
  231. Pike Fly
  232. Steelhead fly swap
  233. Storage
  234. Top water smelt pattern for O'Niell Forebay
  235. UV epoxy release techniques
  236. Collared Clouser
  237. deleted
  238. Umbrella hook
  239. New Top Water Bugs
  240. Tying a Christmas Caddis
  241. Are Beads Actually Flies????
  242. Favorite Fly Swap
  243. More bead controversy
  244. best method for mixing dubbing
  245. Felted Fur ?
  246. Bird's Nest (materials question)
  247. test
  248. Hooks
  249. Hooks II
  250. Flyfishing & Tying Journal Patent Patterns Contest