- Favorite American river fly ??
- Sac ISE
- ISE Schedule & Fly Fishing show schedule
- New Materials
- New Silicone Anchovy
- Joli Glaze
- Help with fly tying on Saturdays?
- Lee Haskin will put on free tying demo at Kiene's
- Alevin Pattern
- free feathers
- Another Bass Bug
- Smolt pattern
- Ah, memories....
- Free Feathers- Thanks Steve
- Stick Caddis?
- Fly tying Saturday !!
- Bob Quigley will be teaching a salt water fly tying class
- Fly tying classes at Kiene's
- Fly Tying Style
- Crawdad Pattern
- goose biots?
- How about a FLY SWAP !!???!!
- Jay Murakoshi volunteered for March 19, Saturday.......
- Febuary fly swap update -
- Fly swap photos ....
- Lee Haskins
- New spooled materials
- Bill Carnazzo volunteers for March 12, Saturday
- Fly Swap Update
- Tying Vises
- New Material Recieved
- Hooks ( rant !)
- Pedestal or Clamp?
- Morrish Super Pupa
- Microtube uses
- Helpful Fly Tying Organizational Products
- Favorite Fly Tying Websites
- MARCH FLY SWAP!! Double Whammy......
- Favorite sub-surface color ????
- Feb. swap flies are due soon ....
- Dry fly dubbing?
- Andy's Striper Caviar
- Striper Hooks
- Reject Flies
- FlySwapper B.B.Q. this Friday , March 11th !!
- First Clousers
- Fly Tying Forum
- Jay Murakoshi free on Saturday, March 19th.
- March Flyswap Update!!
- April Fly Swap - Question
- Perspective .....
- Febuary swapflies will go out tomorrow -
- Bob Quigley Fly Tying Class
- Keeping Material Organized
- Jay M. on Saturday ....
- Skittle Fly Pattern?
- The "Wet Pinky" shad fly.
- Trading different flies ??
- April Fly Swap!!!
- How Many Years of Fly Tying Experience Do You Have?
- Fly tying get togethers at the shop?
- Bob Quigley's salt water tying class is cancelled tomorrow.
- Paint for poppers
- Tying Desk Disaster
- New Bass Flies
- Bass fly spun deer hair tying tips
- Great Fly Tying Website
- Fly Tying Tips
- BS Nymph
- The Gummy Minnow is getting hot now
- Smolts....
- MAY Fly Swap?
- May Fly Swap CLOSED
- Biot tails
- Ken Miller's flies on the web
- baja flies
- Newbies to the Forum
- Dry-fly hackle question -
- Favorite Brand of Hooks?
- Steelhead flies and dubbing?
- Cree substitute?
- June Fly Swap???
- June Fly Swap Sign-Ups in Process!
- Experimental Bass Fly No. 37C
- June Fly Swap Update
- Hacklestacker fly pattern
- What magic did tiemco do to the tmc 2488h?
- steelhead flies?
- Tungsten Beads
- Fly Swaps????
- hackle poll
- Alaska Flies
- Helgrammites???
- Pacific Salmon Flies....
- steelhead/salmon flies??
- Extended Body
- Blue wing SULPHUR??
- No July Flyswap -
- August Fly Swap is CLOSED -
- Burlap?
- unistretch vs. unifloss
- RS2 Nymph / Emerger
- Nor-Vise
- Black Heads vs Shiny Heads
- Angel hair
- Tying schlappen
- tying in silver hilton wings
- marabou steelhead/salmon flies
- Plastic tube fly
- Convict Special
- Vise?
- Ted Fay Flies....
- Tying a Proper Mossback & Assassin
- Need long shank hooks for the Sacramento Salmon Festival
- September Fly Swap is CLOSED
- Fly tying get together??? anyone....anyone....
- Steelhead pattern with fox fur wings?
- A few silver hilton variations for steelhead season...
- Silver hilton marabou spey
- how to tie with montana fly Otter eggs?
- Baja flies , part 1
- Sierra Stonefly Nymph Swap
- Seafood Buffet !!!!
- More Baja surf flies .....
- October Fly Swap?
- october caddis
- A few more steelhead flies...
- Tube Fly Supplies
- New Neutralizer color
- Your favorite hooks?
- Secret Holiday swap is CLOSED
- Tying classes at Kiene's this winter
- Copper John variations
- wierd bugs to tie...
- Holiday Swap Reminder
- SaltWater Fly Pattern
- dyeing feathers green
- Sharpening scissors
- 101 flies with tutorials
- All I got for Xmas
- Help?
- Fly tying classes @ Kiene's this winter
- Kreh's Deciever
- Hale Bopp Leech pattern
- Cool Fly Tying Site!
- And another one!
- Spinning deer hair?
- Happy New Year's Swap!!
- fly dryers
- Loligo Opalescens....???!!!!!
- Striper Fly Swap?
- Thread help
- Lee Haskin will be putting on a free tying demo.............
- Toothpicks: interesting infomation
- Need storage??
- Thin profile nymphs
- Umbrella Hooks
- Anybody using their swap flies?
- Head-on-Humpy (HOH)
- ignore this thread- no longer relevant
- New Vise!
- Help?
- Glue Question?
- otter
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Foam Fly Swap!!! Swap is Closed
- rubber legs question
- popovics surf candy small...
- fun with poppers
- What I've been working on
- April Flyswap is CLOSED -
- The Frantic Fry...
- Mullet pattern
- Tube flies for Steelhead
- Optical magnification.
- Gordon Griffiths 14/0 Fly Tying Thread
- hosting a fly swap??
- Toad fly
- What are you planning on tying over the next month ??
- Left Handed tying
- Question for Lee Haskins -
- Feather Swap
- Online color chart
- 6200 shad flies
- Tarpon worm fly? palolo worm
- Bass Flies
- Fly category on our Gallery now
- Thom's Flats Shrimp Fly
- Bauer Crab
- Wired Bodied Nymphs
- Big pink billfish / Dorado flies
- Shad Fly Exchange
- Transporting tying materials to England
- Buying a New Vise
- Jay Fair's email
- May Fly Swap
- Clouser material advice.....
- UV epoxy article
- Gurgler Patterns
- Rubber Legs
- May fly swap on the return
- Divers
- help with trico's!!!!
- Bass bug
- Pretreat feather with flexament?
- new to fly tying
- Another Diver
- Hairy Idea Swap POSTONED...
- Questions on Bead Heads
- equipment suggestions?
- EH Caddis Alternates
- Stingers?
- What to do with Llama ??????
- Pig boat thingy
- Having the Boys over for tying .....
- help with striper flies
- Big Fly Swap?
- Steelhead fly swap
- Since striper flies came up
- Upper Trinity Mystery Hatch
- Pike Fly
- Steelhead fly swap
- Storage
- Top water smelt pattern for O'Niell Forebay
- UV epoxy release techniques
- Collared Clouser
- deleted
- Umbrella hook
- New Top Water Bugs
- Tying a Christmas Caddis
- Are Beads Actually Flies????
- Favorite Fly Swap
- More bead controversy
- best method for mixing dubbing
- Felted Fur ?
- Bird's Nest (materials question)
- test
- Hooks
- Hooks II
- Flyfishing & Tying Journal Patent Patterns Contest